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Queen’s Green Canopy: Plant a Tree for the Jubilee

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Royal Family News

Queen’s Green Canopy: Plant a Tree for the Jubilee

In celebration of II's Platinum Jubilee next year, a unique UK-wide tree planting initiative called the Queen's Green Canopy has been launched.

People are invited to plant a tree to mark the Queen's 70 years of service as the British monarch, a first for any British ruler.

The initiative aims to encourage everyone from individuals to schools, companies, and local communities to plant trees from October 2021 through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.

Buckingham Palace has released new photographs of the Queen and her son, , who is the patron of the project, planting an oak tree to mark the launch of the initiative.

The Queen has planted more than 1,500 trees all over the world during her reign.

The countdown to the planting season begins now, giving people time to plan their projects.


From October, details of contributions can be uploaded onto an interactive map on the new Queen's Green Canopy website, so people can see the canopy's development.

expressed his delight at the scheme, describing forests as among the richest biological areas in England.

They offer a magnificent variety of habitats for plants, animals, and microorganisms.

They release oxygen, generate rainfall, aid natural flood management, filter pollution from the air, regulate temperatures in urban areas, prevent soil erosion, mitigate the effects of climate change, and enhance our well-being.

“Quite simply, we cannot live without them,” he said.

The Prince stressed that it was absolutely vital for more of the right species of trees to be planted, and in the right places, in order to establish more woodlands, avenues, hedgerows, hedgerow trees, and urban planting schemes.

“Whether you are an individual hoping to plant a single sapling in your garden, a school or community group planting a tree, a council, charity or business intending to plant a whole avenue of trees, or a farmer looking to create new hedgerows, everyone across the country can get involved,” he said.

As patron of the Queen's Green Canopy, Prince Charles hopes that the Jubilee initiative would offer a chance to also protect what woodland we have.

He added, “I am delighted to launch this unique tree planting initiative, created to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

Throughout her reign, the Queen has officially planted more than 1,500 trees all over the world.

In March, during the most recent planting season, I was delighted to have an opportunity to plant a tree with Her Majesty in the grounds of Windsor Castle, to launch this very special initiative.

There is a reason for this profoundly symbolic act.

Planting a tree is a statement of hope and faith in the future.

As we approach this most special year, I invite you all to join me to plant a tree for the Jubilee.

In other words, a Tree-billy.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has welcomed the initiative as a way to plant sustainably while creating a national legacy in honour of the Queen's leadership over 70 years.

He said, “Our trees stand at the front line of our fight against climate change and by sustaining our beautiful countryside for generations to come.

The Queen's Green Canopy is a fitting tribute to Her Majesty's year of service to this country.

I urge everyone to get involved and plant a tree for the Jubilee.”

In addition to inviting the planting of new trees, the Queen's Green Canopy will highlight and showcase 70 irreplaceable ancient woodlands across the United Kingdom and identify 70 ancient trees to celebrate Her Majesty's 70 years of service.

It will also create a pilot training programme for unemployed young people aged between 16 to 24 through Cabell Manor College, London's only specialist environmental college, of which the Queen Mother was patron, to plant and manage trees.

Chair of Natural England and Cool Earth trustee Tony Juniper, CBE, said, “Expanding woodland and tree cover, with the right trees in the right place, is key to the recovery of the world's natural environment, including here in Britain.

There is no more fitting way to celebrate Her Majesty's Jubilee than through striving to increase and protect our native tree cover.

The last year has emphasised the central role that trees and woods play in the life of the nation.”

The Queen's Green Canopy initiative offers a unique opportunity for everyone to come together and contribute to a sustainable future.

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