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Meghan Markle Takes Action Against Scammers Using Her Name for Diet Pills

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Takes Action Against Scammers Using Her Name for Diet Pills

The Duchess of Sussex, , has been the target of a fake diet pill campaign that claims she used the pills to regain her pre-pregnancy figure.

The ads feature images of Meghan before and after her pregnancy, along with fake quotes from the Duchess endorsing the keto weight loss tablets.

The palace has condemned the campaign as an illegal use of the Duchess's name for advertising purposes.

A royal source stated that action will be taken against the scammers.

The fake campaign features Meghan standing with the Queen and claims that the keto diet is her passion project.

One of the main promoters of the diet pills, First Level Fitness, describes itself as a one-stop fitness site.


However, many pages on the portal are dedicated to selling male s** drugs.

Tam Fry, chairman of the National Obesity Forum, warns people not to go near diet pills advertised on the web, even when endorsed by celebrities.

He advises people to seek advice from regulated professionals and use their recommendations.

The second website involved in the scam claims that Meghan gave an interview to a US publication called Entertainment Today, which does not exist.

The fake interview quotes the Duchess as saying that she has been passionate about taking care of her weight all her life due to the pressures of Hollywood to stay young and fit.

It also claims that Meghan has been traveling the world for the last 10 years, sourcing organic ingredients and weight loss remedies, leading to the launch of her all-female owned weight loss line.

The fake interview further claims that the Royal Family was not happy with Meghan splitting her time between the diet line and her duties.

It quotes the Duchess as saying that she did not feel it was her obligation to make the Royal Family comfortable with her ambition.

She claims to have put her entire heart and soul into the product to make it perfect.

In response to the scam, Meghan is taking action to stop scammers from using her name and image to sell diet pills.

She plans to take a cushion with her to events to sit on, as the scammers often use images of her sitting down to make it appear as though she has endorsed the product.

In other news, Meghan's former friend Jessica Mulroney shared a cryptic Instagram post about losing friends, leaving fans speculating that it may be directed towards the Duchess.

The fashion stylist shared a quote about losing friends and finding better ones.

According to media reports, Meghan and Jessica's relationship became strained after the latter came under fire for using her white privilege in June.

The fake diet pill campaign is a reminder to be cautious when considering weight loss products advertised online, even if they are endorsed by celebrities.

Seek advice from regulated professionals and use their recommendations to ensure safe and effective weight loss.

As for Meghan, she is taking steps to protect herself from scammers and is focused on her duties as a member of the Royal Family.

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