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Royal Family Rushes to Balmoral as Queen’s Health Deteriorates

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Royal Family News

Royal Family Rushes to Balmoral as Queen’s Health Deteriorates

The royal family was in a frenzy as they rushed to Balmoral where the Queen was staying, as her health started to deteriorate.

was seen driving the senior royals to the Queen's Scottish castle, while the rest of the family members got on flights to be with her.

However, the scene was chaotic as everyone left everything they were doing to be by the Queen's side.

Harry Misses Chance to Say Goodbye to Grandmother Due to Fight with Meghan

As per multiple sources, missed his chance to say goodbye to his grandmother due to a fight with Meghan.

The family arrived at Balmoral around 4 pm, while Harry arrived just before 8 pm, almost an hour and a half after Buckingham Palace announced the death of his grandmother.


The argument was about Meghan wanting to go to Balmoral, fearing that Harry would be alone with his family members who might talk some sense into him.

However, no one talked to Harry, and he was left feeling isolated and ignored.

Harry Refuses to Dine with Charles and William After Meghan is Banned from Balmoral

According to a royal source, Harry was so furious at Meghan being snubbed that he refused an open invitation to dine with his father and brother at Burke Hall, Charles' home on the estate.

He was so busy trying to get Meghan to Balmoral and rowing with his family that he missed the flight.

Charles has an open invitation for Harry to dine with him whenever he's in the country, but Harry was so angry that he refused to eat with his father and brother.

It was a massive snub, and he left Balmoral at the earliest opportunity to catch the first commercial flight back to London.

Harry reportedly spent the evening nearby with his uncle Prince Edward and his wife Sophie Countess of Wessex.

Harry's Regret for Hasty Decisions Made After Meeting Meghan

Harry seems to be repentant for some of the hasty decisions he took after came into his life.

Author Valentin Lowe claimed in his book that Meghan was something of an egomaniac who forced into their romance before he was ever ready.

Meghan was saying, “If you don't put out a statement confirming I'm your girlfriend, I'm going to break up with you.”

Harry was in a panic, freaking out, and thinking that she would dump him.

Though this is seemingly a disturbing insight into their marriage, sources close to Harry and Meghan claimed it's a normal occurrence between them.

Harry Panics Over His Memoir

Prince Harry is now panicking that what he's written in his memoir could be considered insensitive or far worse.

The late Queen's funeral was a wake-up call for him, and he's desperately trying to rework his memoir.

He's beginning to realize he's backed himself into a corner, and all these reminders about some of Meghan's behaviors are making him uncomfortable.

An unnamed tipster told the publication, “He's already feeling shaky after being back in the family fold and seeing how much damage and hurt they've caused.”

In conclusion, the royal family was in chaos as they rushed to Balmoral to be by the Queen's side as her health deteriorated.

Harry missed his chance to say goodbye to his grandmother due to a fight with Meghan over her coming to Balmoral.

He was so angry that he refused to dine with Charles and William and left Balmoral at the earliest opportunity.

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