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Theresa May’s Creaking Knees: The Politics of Curtsying

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Royal Family News

Theresa May’s Creaking Knees: The Politics of Curtsying

Theresa May, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has been widely ridiculed for her curtsy style.

Her bandy-legged bending in front of several monarchs has been a source of amusement for many.

However, as a British subject, May is required to show respect for the royal family in the traditional way.

This includes curtsying for II, Prince Philip, and his siblings, and the Duchess of Cambridge, and even and the Duchess of Sussex.

Interestingly, foreign men and women are not required to bow or curtsy to the higher echelons of the royal family as they are not their subjects.

However, if Theresa were to meet the Pope, she would most likely feel obliged to curtsy for him.


It is worth noting that no prime minister has ever refused to curtsy or bow their head to the appropriate royals.

It is usually a great photo opportunity to show the electorate how much they care about the country's archaic traditions.

May's curtsy is certainly quite a low one, but then again, it's entirely up to the curtsier how low they want to take it.

Angelina Jolie hardly stooped at all when meeting the Queen.

It's important to remember that there's a complicated hierarchy of who should bow to whom, and the duchesses who have married Harry and Wills are near the bottom.

It is not just the royals who have to bow and curtsy to each other.

Royals must also bow and curtsy to each other, particularly at private dinners.

There's a complicated hierarchy of who should bow to whom, and the duchesses who have married Harry and Wills are near the bottom.

May's curtsy style has been a topic of discussion for many years.

Her creaking knees have become a symbol of her obsequiousness.

However, it's worth noting that no prime minister has ever refused to curtsy, or bow their head, to the appropriate royals.

Thatcher was particularly good at it, though that may be because she wore long gowns that hid the tangled network of legs.

It's important to note that May is not an ultra being.

She is just a normal British subject, like the rest of us.

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