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Megan Markle Under Fire After Shocking Lie Uncovered in Political Letter

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Royal Family News

Megan Markle Under Fire After Shocking Lie Uncovered in Political Letter

Megan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has come under fire following a political letter she wrote to the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and the majority leader in the US Senate, Chuck Schumer.

In the letter, Megan asks for paid leave for parents, but critics have pointed out that some of the claims she makes are untrue.

One of the most shocking parts of the letter was when Megan claimed that her family was poor and that she had to live on a $5 sizzler salad when she was a child.

However, this is a world away from the $14 million LA mansion she now lives in with and their two children.

The couple has built up a fortune of over $100 million in just two years.

Many have also questioned the fact that Megan fails to mention her father's Emmy Award-winning status as a lighting director and that she was educated at private schools from kindergarten, including the $16,000-a-year private Immaculate Heart High School, all paid for by her father's salary and lottery win.


Royal commentator Angela Levin has called Megan “incredibly annoying” and believes that the Duchess is downplaying her own wealthy upbringing.

Levin argues that Megan was comfortably middle-class due to her father's wealth and that everything she does is focused on herself.

Former editor of International Who's Who, Richard Fitzwilliams, also weighed in on the controversy, stating that Megan's attempt to link with struggling families through her $5 salad bar story may not impress the audience she seeks.

He also points out that Megan's ruthless streak needs moderating if she ever decides to seek election.

Despite Megan's claims of growing up on cheap salads and working selling frozen yogurt, she was being educated in exclusive LA schools, including one whose alumni included Elizabeth Taylor and July Garland.

All of her education was paid for by her now estranged father, Thomas Markle.

While the issue of paid leave for parents is undoubtedly important, Megan's false claims and attempts to downplay her own privileged upbringing have sparked outrage and criticism from many.

It remains to be seen how this controversy will affect her political aspirations in the future.

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