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Hunter Biden dares Trump children to “get a job” without their father’s help

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Royal Family News

Hunter Biden dares Trump children to “get a job” without their father’s help

Hunter Biden has rekindled his rivalry with the Trump children, accusing them of “(reaping) the benefits of their family name.”

Biden criticizes the Trump children – Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump – in his latest book, “Beautiful Things,” for not being able to find work outside of their father’s enterprises.

Biden said, “I’ve worked for someone other than my father, rose and fell on my own.”

He admitted that his last name was a “coveted credential,” but he accused the former president’s children of implying that their millions were earned independently, rather than as a result of bearing the Trump surname.

“Do you think if any of the Trump children ever tried to get a job outside of their father’s business that his name wouldn’t figure into the calculation? My response has always been to work harder so that my accomplishments stand on their own,  ” Biden wrote.

Don Jr., Eric Trump, and Hunter Biden have feuded in the past about who gained the most from their famous fathers’ public service.

In October 2019, Don Jr. said aloud on television, “I wish my name was Hunter Biden. I could go abroad and make millions off my father’s presidency. I’d be a really rich guy .”


In the same month, he said on TV, “When you’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you.”

About the same point, Eric complained to Jeanine Pirro, “If I was doing the same thing that that family was doing, I’d be in jail. Why is it that every family goes into politics and enriches themselves? We’re the only family—we stopped doing deals when my father became [president]…. Guess what? All of these kids, they started doing deals when their families went into politics, and it’s sickening. ”

Don Jr. tweeted in March 2020 that he wished Biden would “man up” and “debate (him).”

Trump’s namesake told Axios that he and Hunter should disclose their tax returns and then “talk about all of the places where I am supposedly grifting but Hunter Biden isn’t…. Let’s talk about who profited off of whose public service. Happy to do it. Let’s make it happen .”

“I was an international businessperson before my father got into politics. I haven’t benefited from my father’s tax-payer funded office, ” Don Jr. added.

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