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Catherine’s £650 Tote Bag Sparks Debate Among Royal Fans

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Royal Family News

Catherine’s £650 Tote Bag Sparks Debate Among Royal Fans

The Prince and Princess of Wales paid a visit to Birmingham on Thursday, and royal fans were excitedly following their every move on the internet.

However, it was Catherine's choice of accessory that got everyone talking – her £650 Smythson tote bag.

While many praised the Duchess for carrying her own bag and deemed it relatable, others were quick to criticise for not offering to carry it for her.

But let's not get too caught up in who should be carrying the bag.

The real issue here is that the bag costs a whopping £650!

Who knew that carrying around everything but the kitchen sink could be so expensive?


Nevertheless, Catherine managed to pull it off with style and grace, and I have to say, I'm impressed.

The divide among Royal fans is clear.

While some believe that it is the gentleman's duty to carry a lady's bag, others argue that Catherine is a strong and independent woman who doesn't need a man's help.

And I have to say, I'm on team Catherine.

Who says a woman can't carry her own bag?

And let's be real, the Princess of Wales is no ordinary woman.

She's the future Queen, and if she wants to carry her own bag, then who are we to argue?

Some may be disappointed that we didn't get to witness the romantic gesture of carrying his wife's bag.

But let's be real, there's nothing more romantic than a man who loves and respects his wife's independence.

And that's exactly what we saw here.

William could have offered to carry the bag, but he respected Catherine's decision to carry it for herself.

And that, my friend, is true love.

Moving on to another topic, can we take a moment to appreciate Catherine's style?

The Karen Millen burgundy pleated midi dress she wore was an absolute showstopper, and she paired it with some gold statement earrings by Cezanne that were reportedly a Christmas present from her loving husband.

Speaking of loving husbands, did you see the way William gushed about Catherine's outfit when a fan complimented her?

In the footage, William is seen making a gushing comment about Catherine's outfit as the couple greeted royal fans outside the rectory.

One woman told William, “what an amazing outfit Catherine has got on, it's beautiful.”

In response, William said, “she always looks stunning.”

Fans of the crowd were heard off camera saying, “awww.”

Touched by the heartwarming comment, fans were quick to share their thoughts online.

It's clear that the Prince and Princess of Wales are a beautiful couple who truly love and respect each other.

And while some may argue about who should carry the bag, it's important to remember that it's not the bag that matters, but the love and support they have for each other that truly shines through.

In conclusion, let's not get too caught up in who should carry the bag.

After all, it's just a bag.

What really matters is the love and respect between two people who are clearly meant to be together.

So, let's raise a glass to the Prince and Princess of Wales, a couple who continue to inspire us with their love and commitment to each other.

And who knows, maybe next time we'll see William carrying the bag.

But only if Catherine lets him.

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