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Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Share Family Christmas Card Photo

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Share Family Christmas Card Photo

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have shared their official Christmas card photo for this year, featuring a heartwarming family portrait captured during their holiday to Jordan.

The new photo shows the couple surrounded by their three adorable children, George, Charlotte, and Louis, who are all dressed in summer attire.

The portrait, which was shared with the couple’s 13.1 million Instagram followers, is a departure from their usual Christmas cards, which have traditionally been family snaps taken at their Norfolk home, Amner Hall.

Last year’s card featured the family gathered on a bale of hay, while the year before that, Catherine cuddled up to her husband as their children played on a vintage motorbike.

This year’s photo sees Charlotte wearing a blue gingham dress alongside her brother George, who wore a khaki camouflage polo shirt.

Meanwhile, Louis looked adorable as he sat cross-legged on a fur rug in shorts with a blue and white striped polo shirt for the annual snap.

Catherine appeared every inch the doting mum as she placed a hand on her husband William’s knee with her arm around her eldest son George as she beamed at the camera.


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have a special connection to Jordan, as Catherine spent part of her childhood in the country while her father was working as a British Airways flight dispatcher.

It’s not known exactly when the family took their holiday to Jordan, but the Duke visited the Middle East on an official royal tour just three years ago in 2018.

That trip marked his first visit to the region, and he subsequently returned with his children so they could experience it too.

The tradition of royal Christmas cards dates back through the decades, with Prince Albert Edward, the future King George V, and Mary of Teck sending out a picture of their young son Bertie, later King George VI, to mark the festive period.

Today, the royal family’s cards remain beloved by fans around the world.

The stunning newly released portrait has already received a great deal of attention and praise from fans, who have commented on the family’s close bond and their children’s adorable appearances.

The photo captures the essence of the Duke and Duchess’s love for their family and their commitment to creating lasting memories.

It’s clear that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge take great care in choosing their Christmas card photos each year, and this year’s portrait is no exception.

The family looks happy and relaxed, enjoying a moment of togetherness during what has been a challenging year for many.

As the festive season approaches, the photo serves as a reminder of the importance of family and loved ones, and the joy that can be found in spending time together.

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