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Meghan and Harry’s Bougie Behaviour: A Royal Family News Report

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Royal Family News

Meghan and Harry’s Bougie Behaviour: A Royal Family News Report

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and , have once again made headlines for their bougie behaviour.

The couple recently visited the UK with their newborn daughter Diana, but it seems they were not pleased with how things went down.

According to a Royal commentator, the Sussexes were unhappy that they were not able to share a picture of with the Queen, as they did with their first child, .

Despite rumours that the couple may christen their daughter in a Royal ceremony while with the Royal Family, no images were shared of a private meeting that supposedly took place between the Queen and her great-granddaughter.

Royal commentator Neil Sean claimed that the Sussexes decided to release the picture of Lilibet Diana independently for all the world to see.

They allegedly feel that it's unfair that they did not get the opportunity to present their daughter to the world with the monarch as they did with .


At the time of Archie's birth, all things were rosy in the garden of Harry and Meghan.

However, fast forward to now, and they've decided that they no longer want to be working Royals.

Despite their split from the Royal Family, Harry and Meghan's brand would have benefited from the snap, which would have demonstrated a continued relationship with the Queen.

Angela Levin, who wrote Harry's biography, criticized the couple for compromising their own security, despite suing the government over security concerns.

Levin revealed that Meghan opened up the window of their car during a Thanksgiving service at St. Paul's Cathedral, putting herself and others in danger.

She also claimed that the couple wanted and Kate to take their kids to a birthday party for Lilibet at Frogmore Cottage on the Queen's big day, despite the couple already being in Wales to celebrate her.

Levin also revealed that Netflix was keen to secure images of Harry and Meghan with royals like the Queen and for a documentary series they are filming.

These images would have been very valuable for Netflix, giving them a kudos that they had her with her great-grandmother.

However, the palace was so clever and cunning that they never had a chance to be photographed with any of the senior royals.

Meghan and Harry's behaviour has been described as bratty, with the Royal Family not allowing any PR moments during their visit.

The Royals have been fooled and burned before, and they are not about to let the Markles do it to them again.

The couple may think they are rock stars, but they need to remember that they are no longer working Royals and should behave accordingly.

It seems that Meghan and Harry are still trying to have things their way, despite their split from the Royal Family.

They may feel that they were deprived of the chance to share a picture of Lilibet with the Queen, but they need to remember that they are no longer part of the Royal Family.

Their behaviour is not only bougie but also childish and dangerous.

In conclusion, Meghan and Harry's bougie behaviour during their recent visit to the UK has once again made headlines.

The couple's desire to have things their way, despite their split from the Royal Family, has been criticized by Royal commentators.

It's time for the couple to remember that they are no longer working Royals and should behave accordingly.

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