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Meghan Markle Accused of Adopting a Fake Voice in Latest Interview

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Accused of Adopting a Fake Voice in Latest Interview

Radio host Jackie O Henderson has accused of adopting a fake voice in her latest sit-down interview with Variety magazine.

Henderson suggested that the upbeat Californian way Meghan speaks during interviews actually makes her seem less likable.

“It's hard to like Meghan because she always sounds so insincere,” she said on the Kyle and Jackie O show.

After listening to a clip of Meghan speaking about her love of plain Scrabble, she added, “It sounds like she's got this fake smiley voice all the time and it's grating.”

Henderson's co-host Kyle Sunderlands then took a swipe at Meghan by impersonating the way she spoke to Variety.

“The things you don't know about me, I'm a mean gamer at Scrabble.


Please go away forever,” he sneered.

“I know, I feel like if she just talked normally, you know, just be normal,” Henderson agreed.

“I bet you're not sitting there with Harry every night going, why should we watch Netflix?

I don't know, let's keep scrolling,” she added doing her own impersonation of Meghan.

“Like no one talks like that,” she insisted.

Writing for the Daily Mail, Maureen Callaghan asked, “We're never ever going to escape , are we?”

The Duchess of Despair in endless grievance now wants to be known as fun and silly, but also very, very smart.

Most assuredly, not a bimbo, not at all.

Like our most recent podcast guest Paris Hilton, who Meghan said she had judged for being a bimbo.

She said, “Our Meghan is nothing if not a phoenix rising from the ashes, even if said ashes result from all those Molotov cocktails she keeps tossing.”

The Queen's funeral, replete with the sidelining of Harry and Meghan, is firmly in the rear view.

And despite Meghan's actions to the contrary, you know, that Oprah interview in which she said a senior role was racist and that the palace didn't care that she was suicidal and pregnant, Meghan really loved the Queen.

Meghan Markle has spoken out on her and 's upcoming Netflix documentary that is set to be released in December.

She added, “It's nice to be able to trust someone with our story.

A seasoned director whose work I've long admired, even if it means it may not be the way we would have told it.

But that's not why we're telling it.

We're trusting our story to someone else, and that means it will go through their lens.

It's interesting.

My husband has never worked in this industry before.

For me, having worked on Suits, it's so amazing to be around so much creative energy and to see how people work together and share their own points of view.

That's been really fun.”

The comments come as various royal experts suggest that both and his wife Meghan may lose their royal title over the docu-series on Netflix.

There's a lot of speculation around Harry and Meghan's Netflix documentary, where they're supposed to share their love story.

Royal expert Katie Nicholl believes King Charles won't hold back and might even show his ruthless side if the Sussexes try to tarnish the reputation of the crown in the Netflix series.

An anonymous insider told Radar Online that King Charles has gone into severe crisis management mode.

He was aware that his son had too much information about the family and he didn't want him to use it against him or another company employee.

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