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Meghan Markle Accused of Misusing Her Royal Title

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Accused of Misusing Her Royal Title

Last month, the Duchess of Sussex, , made a political move by writing a letter to the US Congress.

In the letter, she called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Leader Charles Schumer to implement paid leave for parents in America.

She believes that this should be a national right, just like in many other countries.

However, her use of her royal title has caused controversy.

Some royal courtiers have criticized Meghan for using her title out of context.

They believe that as a member of the royal family, she should steer clear of politics.


One palisade told the Sunday Times that using the title means avoiding such issues.

Otherwise, people will question her motive.

The royal family has no say in American politics, and campaigning is different from aligning oneself with policies.

The Duchess of Sussex is not entitled to a more powerful voice on the issue than any other mother in America.

Therefore, playing in politics is not her place.

Another courtier even described her intervention as outrageous.

Experts believe that is trying to use her royal connections to secure more commercial deals.

Royal expert Jonathan Saccadotti said that the couple has signed several enormous commercial deals on the back of their connection to the royal family.

He also added that by using her title deliberately and insistently, Meghan seeks to claim a level of authority beyond that which she would otherwise have as a retired actress.

In related news, a former royal butler said that Harry and Meghan's absence from the royal family is more significant than ever while the Queen is resting.

The monarch is currently taking it easy after cancelling all working visits until mid-November and has been advised to stick to light, desk-based duties.

Former royal butler Paul Burrell, who worked for both the Queen and , believes that Harry and Meghan could have been an incredible help to the firm at this time.

He said that the family has rallied around the Queen to support her and take on more engagements, and their work will be a huge relief to her.

However, Harry and Meghan's absence is more noticeable now than ever, and their betrayal of the royals is more apparent.

Burrell believes that Harry and Meghan should have been in England supporting the Queen during this time.

He finds it unfathomable that news of the Queen's hospital admission wouldn't have hit them hard.

They are not only denying themselves time with her but also denying their children, and , time with their great-grandmother.

Meghan Markle's use of her royal title has caused controversy among the royal courtiers.

They believe that she is misusing her title by involving herself in politics.

Although campaigning is different from aligning oneself with policies, the Duchess of Sussex should avoid playing in politics.

Experts believe that Meghan is trying to use her royal connections to secure more commercial deals.

By using her title deliberately and insistently, Meghan seeks to claim a level of authority beyond that which she would otherwise have as a retired actress.

Harry and Meghan's absence from the royal family is more significant than ever while the Queen is resting.

Burrell believes that they could have been an incredible help to the firm at this time.

However, their betrayal of the royals is more apparent now than ever.

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