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Meghan Markle Allegedly Questioned Payment While on Royal Tour

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Allegedly Questioned Payment While on Royal Tour

Lady Colin Campbell, a royal biographer, recently spoke out about 's alleged questioning of payment while on a royal tour.

According to Campbell, Markle did not realize that she was already paid for her services during the tour, as she received a clothing allowance and various other perks.

Campbell went on to say that Markle's clothing allowance for the two years she was in the royal family was greater than every single queen, duchess, and princess in the whole of Europe put together.

Campbell also addressed Valentin Lowe's book, Extracts from the Courtiers, the hidden power behind the crown, which claims that Markle did not understand the point of royal walkabouts.

Behind the scenes, Markle allegedly failed to comprehend the purpose of shaking hands with countless strangers, stating on at least one occasion, “I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this.”

The book also alleges that offered a young female royal aide a shoulder to cry on following harsh treatment she had allegedly received from Markle.


His actions, which included asking her, “I hope you're okay,” have led to praise from Lady Colin Campbell.

She stated that has been the one who backed up the disadvantaged, bullied staff from the word go.

In addition, Campbell accused Meghan of posing during the queen's funeral procession.

She claimed that every member of the royal family bar one looked grief-stricken, and that one member was posing.

Campbell referred to Meghan as a megalomaniac who was obviously posing, stating that she was completely wrapped up in herself and caught up in her own world while Sophie Wessex's face was set in stone.

According to Lowe's book, the Markles were described as virtual tormentors who treated their staff as vipers.

The book claims that staff believed in Meghan and would have done anything to help the couple succeed.

However, the aides eventually saw a portrait of a former cable actress whose concern was whether she was going to be able to make money for herself.

A source told the author that Meghan wanted to be rejected because she was obsessed with that narrative from day one.

Another source simply said, “We were played.”

The book also claims that staff believed Megs wanted to show how the institution failed her and even felt there was a cynical motive behind her decision to complain to HR bosses who listened sympathetically but offered no help.

This was inevitable, as HR is there to deal with employee issues, not members of the royal family.

Meghan would presumably have known that, so what was she doing there?

Laying a trail of evidence would be the cynical answer.

Lady Colin Campbell's comments shed light on the alleged behavior of during her time in the royal family.

While some may view her actions as those of a hustler, others may see them as those of a misunderstood individual struggling to adapt to a new environment.

Regardless, it is clear that tensions were high within the royal family during Markle's tenure, and that the aftermath of her departure continues to reverberate.

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