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Meghan Markle and Sophie Wessex’s Body Language Signals Suggest They Were Not on Good Terms During Final Royal Engagement

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle and Sophie Wessex’s Body Language Signals Suggest They Were Not on Good Terms During Final Royal Engagement

During and 's final royal engagement in March 2020, body language expert Jesus Enrique Rosas claims that there were signals of tension between the Duchess of Sussex and Sophie Wessex.

The couple had announced their decision to step back from royal duties at the start of the year and attended the Commonwealth Day service a few weeks later in March as their last public event.

While sitting in Westminster Abbey, Jesus observed that Sophie looked at Meghan without blinking for a couple of seconds, but Meghan averted her gaze instead of smiling back.

Jesus speculated that Meghan knew that Sophie did not like her, and that's why she focused on chatting with Edward.

He claimed that if there had been any kind of empathy or willingness to interact, Meghan would have acknowledged Sophie's gaze in any way, but that didn't happen here.

Meghan looks away instantly because she was not expecting Sophie to turn around at that moment.


He then claimed that both Sophie and Meghan's attitudes, analysed step by step, confirm that they were not on good terms at that moment.

Examining the event further, Jesus pointed out a reportedly notable moment later on when the royals were leaving their seats for the procession out of the abbey.

Despite being on the row with Sophie and Edward, Meghan could be seen to cut into the row of chairs in front, bringing her closer to Harry.

Jesus suggested that this hadn't been down to the need to stay in a specific order while exiting, as the Wessexes would have waited for Meghan to pass to ensure she and Harry were able to follow William and Kate.

The only reason left for this is that Meghan simply didn't want to get anywhere near Sophie.

He claimed that it's a common attitude when you don't like someone or you are afraid of someone.

Inbal Honigman, celebrity psychic and body language expert, also talked about this moment between the two ladies and expressed her opinion.

Inbal watched this moment and presented her opinion.

She claimed that the interactions or lack thereof between and Sophie Wessex at the Commonwealth Day service 2020 are eye-catching in their absolute failure of subtlety.

She added that over the past few years, Meghan has been subject to considerable scrutiny, whether justly or unjustly, for taking her time trying to fit in with royal protocol and not accepting every direction that she is given, and having her own mind.

In this case, however, the signs of animosity are not hidden.

While the chaps chit-chat merrily, being used to formal affairs since birth, they feel comfortable with each other and with the grand occasion.

They lean towards each other, and their conversation is animated.

This shows us how at ease they feel.

She added that at the same time, Catherine and Meghan are doing their best.

Not born to royalty, they are adjusting.

They are sitting in a very elegant way, in their allocated seats, behaving properly.

Their postures are a little stiff, but not overly so.

They are comfortable enough, their smiles reach their eyes, but they're aware that the eyes of the world are on them.

And then we have Sophie's body language, Inbal remarked.

Lips pressed, back stiff, this is a lady who would rather be anywhere else.

She is clearly uncomfortable.

And when, for a brief moment, we see her face, because it is turned towards the camera and away from her companions, her eyes are absently looking left and down.

Inbal thinks this is an indication that she's feeling sad.

After a heartbeat of sadness, when her face is neutral and unengaged, she flicks her eyes upwards and to the right, she's trying to cheer herself up and finding something to be pleased about, only to turn her face back to the rest of her sitting party.

And meet Megan's eyes.

Megan has been looking at her intently for a few seconds by then, but when their eyes meet, they both look away so swiftly, that it can't be by chance.

In the expert's opinion, they are unhappy to be at each other's company, and the automatic jerking of their faces away from each other shows that they don't even care if people realize that something is up.

It seems like there was tension between the two ladies during the final royal engagement, and it's unknown what caused it.

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