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Meghan Markle: Britain’s First Feminist Princess

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle: Britain’s First Feminist Princess

's engagement to has captured the world's attention.

While many have focused on her race, nationality, and status as a divorcee, what sets her apart from previous royal spouses is that she is a fully formed individual with real-world experience.

Meghan's success was earned, not inherited, and she comes to the marriage as a social equal to Harry.

Meghan's upbringing in Los Angeles was far from the aristocratic grooming of Harry's mother Diana or .

She overcame prejudice about her mixed-race parentage and forged a name for herself in the cut-throat entertainment industry.

Education was her ticket to better things, and she equipped herself with the tools to be a success on her own terms.


The result is that Britain is about to get its first ever feminist princess.

Meghan is comfortable, confident, and open in interviews, and there is very little sense of royal patronage between her and Harry.

In fact, Meghan is doing Harry a favor by marrying him.

She doesn't need the profile, money, or hassle, and materially, there is very little Harry can offer her that she cannot already obtain by her own means.

What binds this couple goes deeper than career or status.

Both saw their parents divorce at a young age and suffered the absence of family stability.

This shared experience brings with it a greater empathy for each other's vulnerabilities, which is vitally important in a marriage.

They each have a better chance of understanding the other's emotional needs.

Despite being fabulously s**y, there is a hint of the mother-son relationship in Meghan and Harry.

His desire to protect her echoes the instinct present in every little boy, but especially pronounced in Harry, to shield his mother from harm.

Meghan's reassuring eyes and comforting touch show that she understands his need to be mothered as well as married.

An older, stable female presence is exactly what Harry needs in his life, and that is what Meghan will provide.

She will help him mature and move forward, and with any luck, lay his old demons to rest.

Most men are just big babies, and Harry has for so long been a little lost boy.

Once married, they plan to set up home in Kensington Gardens, famously the home of Peter Pan.

Meghan is one darling to Harry's restless Peter Pan, and all the signs are that she will be as much a protector as his princess.

In conclusion, 's background and experience make her a unique addition to the royal family.

Her success was not inherited, but earned through hard work and determination.

Her relationship with is one of social equals, and her presence in his life will provide the stability and mothering he needs.

Meghan is Britain's first feminist princess, and her impact on the royal family and the world will be felt for years to come.

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