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Meghan Markle Faces Legal Deposition Over Oprah Interview

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Faces Legal Deposition Over Oprah Interview

, the Duchess of Sussex, could be facing a legal deposition as her half-sister, Samantha Markle, sues her for defamation.

According to a source close to the case, Samantha intends to challenge every aspect of the interview with , including claims made by Meghan about her upbringing and the royal family.

Samantha's lawsuit focuses heavily on the sensational interview the Duke and Duchess of Sussex gave to Oprah last year.

Meghan could be forced to sit for a legal deposition by lawyers representing Samantha, which would mean being quizzed under oath.

If Samantha succeeds, it raises the prospect of Meghan being directly asked which senior royal she was referring to when she made claims of racism.

The source said that nothing is off-limits if the Duchess is deposed.


The lawsuit filed in Tampa, Florida, is the latest court battle Meghan finds herself in and yet another public spat with her family.

Samantha paints a picture of the Duchess weaving a rags-to-riches story while attacking her sister and father to maintain the narrative.

Samantha claims the defendant had fabricated details of her background to the royal family, the media, and during TV interviews.

She cites Meghan's appearances on Oprah and Ellen in the US as occasions where she falsely claimed she essentially raised herself from virtual poverty.

Meghan is being sued by her sister for $75,000 over the false narrative she peddled of a rags-to-riches story during her bombshell chat with .

In an explosive court document, Samantha claims the Duchess launched a premeditated campaign to destroy her and her father's reputation.

She claims her sister tried to ruin their credibility so they could not interfere with or contradict the false narrative and fairy tale life story concocted by the defendant.

She also alleges Meghan lied when she claimed she essentially raised herself from virtual poverty and from 13 had to take on low-paying jobs to make ends meet.

Meanwhile, Samantha launched an astonishing broadside on her sister's friend and biographer Omid Scobie as she blasted Finding Freedom as a book of lies.

The Sussexes' lawyer hit back at the lawsuit, claiming it was baseless and they would give it the minimum attention necessary.

Scobie also dismissed the claims.

The source close to the case says that Samantha intends to forensically challenge every aspect of the interview with Oprah.

Everything will be forensically challenged.

For sure, Samantha hopes Meghan will be tested on all aspects of the Oprah program, including claims she made about the royals.

During their interview with Oprah last March, the couple claimed they had been cut off financially and Meghan was denied help when she suffered suicidal thoughts while living in London.

In another bombshell, they accused a member of the Royals of racism, claiming a family member questioned how dark their son 's skin would be.

The Duchess also said there had been conversations about how would not be given a title or royal protection.

She declined to reveal who was involved, saying that it would be very damaging to those concerned.

In conclusion, the legal deposition that is facing over the Oprah interview has raised the prospect of her being directly asked which senior royal she was referring to when she made claims of racism.

Samantha Markle's lawsuit focuses heavily on the claims made by the Duchess when she spoke to Oprah, and if she succeeds, everything will be forensically challenged.

Meghan is being sued by her sister for $75,000 over the false narrative she peddled of a rags-to-riches story during her bombshell chat with Oprah Winfrey.

This is yet another public spat with her family and the latest court battle Meghan finds herself in.

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