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Meghan Markle Referred to by Pre-Royal Name in Court Filing for Libel Case

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Referred to by Pre-Royal Name in Court Filing for Libel Case

, the Duchess of Sussex, has been referred to by her pre-royal name in court filings for the libel case brought by her sister Samantha Markle.

The papers submitted by Meghan's attorney, Michael Kump, referred to her simply as , rather than using her royal title.

This comes as Samantha Markle is suing her sister for defamation, partly over the interview, but also based on private emails Meghan sent to her former Kensington Palace communications secretary Jason Knauf.

The change in name may be related to the fact that Samantha Markle named her sister as Meghan Markle in her own complaint.

Kump's recent court filing read, “I, or the entity I represent, agree to save the expense of serving a summons and complaint in this case.

I understand that I, or the entity I represent, will keep all defenses or objections to the lawsuit, the court's jurisdiction, and the venue of the action, but that I waive any objections to the absence of a summons or of service.”


The form contains a box asking for the printed name of party waiving service of summons which is filled in as, “Defendant Meghan Markle.”

Meghan's team initially appeared dismissive of the case, suggesting they may seek to get it thrown out.

Kump issued a statement on March 3rd, which read, “This baseless and absurd lawsuit is just a continuation of a pattern of disturbing behavior.

We will give it the minimum attention necessary, which is all it deserves.”

Meanwhile, reports suggest that is furious with the conduct of her grandson, , and his wife Meghan Markle.

According to one tabloid, the 95-year-old monarch is so angry with the way the two royal renegades have been acting in recent months that she's given the order to her son to have them stripped of their titles.

A source exclusively reveals, “The Queen doesn't want to be the one to strip them of titles, it's not fair that it could be one of her final legacies and she doesn't deserve to have it end on that note.

Out of this cowardice, she's ordering her son Charles to do the dirty work.

She's told Charles that if he thinks it's the right move, she supports him doing it.

She's handed most of the powers to him as unofficial regent as it is.”

Body language expert Jesus Enrique Rosas has explored the lawsuit and how the legal action exposes Meghan's lies.

Rosas explained Samantha is suing Meghan for all the damages that both Finding Freedom and the Oprah interview caused to her.

He noted, “And what's so interesting about this is that Meghan has just fallen into a double bind.

According to Rosas, no matter which option you choose, you will be screwed either way.

And that is exactly what is happening with Meghan and this defamation lawsuit.”

In this case, if Meghan goes to court, she loses.

And if she tries to settle out of court, she will lose too.

Rosas dug into Samantha's claims in the document.

These illustrate Meghan has been trying desperately to put the rags-to-riches story, like she came from a struggling household, that she has to raise herself into the woman she is now, etc.

The document is crystal clear about making a grocery list of Meghan's lies, including that she was forced from the age of 13 to work in a series of low-paying jobs to make ends meet, she worked to pay for her Northwestern college education, and she had no siblings and virtually no contact with her family.

The US native and former actress has called herself the Duchess since marrying in 2018, and her actual website also refers to her that way.

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