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Meghan Markle Reveals Surprising Ancestral Discovery

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Reveals Surprising Ancestral Discovery

During a recent podcast discussion titled “Appending the Angry Black Woman Myth,” made a shocking revelation about her ancestry.

The Duchess of Sussex disclosed that she discovered she is 43% Nigerian after taking a genealogy test a few years ago.

In the podcast, Meghan spoke to Nigerian-American comedian Zuwe Fumudo and comedian Iza Ray.

She revealed that she plans to dig deeper into her newfound Nigerian heritage, as many Nigerian women have expressed their surprise and excitement about her discovery.

Zuwe Fumudo was taken aback by the news and commented that Meghan looks like his aunt Uzo, who is also Nigerian.

However, some royal fans are skeptical of Meghan's claims and have pointed out that this could be another one of her lies.


AW Martin and Cora, who previously worked on Meghan's family tree, stated that they find the 43% Nigerian claim questionable.

They believe that Meghan's maternal line would need to have an even higher percentage to pass along 43% to her.

Additionally, they noted that Meghan has lied about her ancestry in the past, so it's understandable that people are questioning her latest claims.

Furthermore, some Twitter users have accused Meghan of using her supposed Nigerian heritage for clout and attention.

They claim that she previously claimed to be Maltese and that her current claim of Nigerian ancestry is yet another fabrication.

Despite the skepticism, Meghan's revelations have sparked a huge debate on social media.

Some users are excited to welcome her into the Nigerian community, while others are critical of her alleged lies and attempts to use race and culture for personal gain.

It's worth noting that Meghan's genealogy heritage was thoroughly researched before she married .

Her mother's family has direct line ancestry where the person indicated is listed as mulatto, indicating a mixture of white and black in the ancestral line.

However, some users have called for evidence of Harry and 's DNA, as the British royal family has a history of Arab and African blood in their genes.

In conclusion, 's revelation about her Nigerian ancestry has caused quite a stir.

While some are excited to welcome her into the Nigerian community, others are skeptical of her claims and accuse her of lying for attention.

Regardless of the truth behind her ancestry, it's clear that Meghan's revelations have sparked an important conversation about race, culture, and identity.

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