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Meghan Markle’s 40×40 Campaign Quietly Dropped, Royal Expert Claims

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s 40×40 Campaign Quietly Dropped, Royal Expert Claims

's highly publicized 40th birthday campaign, the 40×40 project, has reportedly been cancelled less than a year after its launch.

The project had urged A-listers like Adele and Stella McCartney, as well as members of the public, to donate 40 minutes of their time to help women re-enter the workforce.

However, there has been no follow-up on the campaign, which also featured comedy star Melissa McCarthy.

Meghan's team has also not updated the scheme's page on the website.

Royal expert Angela Levin, who spent a year with as she wrote his biography, believes that the 40×40 project has been quietly dropped.

According to her, “Most people didn't see the point in spending time changing the way people are.


It's absurd to think you can change somebody.”

She added that it is unrealistic to expect someone to change in just 40 minutes.

It is not known if any of Meghan's celebrity friends committed to helping with the project.

Angela Levin also mentioned that the 40×40 project is just one of the royal's ideas that didn't come off.

“Wasn't Meghan going to write another two or three books?

That hasn't come off.

And lots of things haven't come off.

There are loads of things that haven't come off.

I think the PR team gives off things that don't happen,” she said.

Meanwhile, former butler of , Paul Burrell, claimed that is smothering husband .

After the couple was seen at a polo tournament, body language expert Judy James claimed that Meghan was displaying over-possessive and maternal behaviour towards her husband.

She placed both hands around Harry's face as they kissed, adopting command, control, steer mode.

“I thought that Meghan was this breath of fresh air who would modernise the royal family and bring all the vital elements that were missing, but what kind of love is this?

I feel that, from her body language at the polo, she came across as smothering,” said Burrell.

He added that Harry is totally besotted with Meghan and has given up everything for her.

“Of all the people I want to be happy, it's Harry.

I think he was looking for someone serious to put him back on the path he'd lost because his mother died.

His heart broke and nobody could fix it until Meghan came along.

Meghan fixed it,” he said.

Burrell also claimed that Meghan will be disappointed by the missed photograph opportunity because of how it would look to a US audience.

“I think Meghan's producing, directing and starring in her own version of her life, her own biopic, which is playing out on the American stage.

I think they will care that they're not on the balcony because that is a picture that will relate to their American platform,” he said.

In conclusion, Meghan Markle's 40×40 campaign has reportedly been quietly dropped less than a year after its launch.

Royal expert Angela Levin believes that the project was unrealistic and that it is just one of the royal's ideas that didn't come off.

Meanwhile, Paul Burrell claimed that Meghan is smothering Prince Harry and that she is producing her own biopic which is playing out on the American stage.

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