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Meghan Markle’s Struggle to Make Hollywood Connections

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Struggle to Make Hollywood Connections

Since leaving the royal family, Meghan and Harry had hoped that Hollywood would welcome them with open arms.

However, it seems that their plan has not worked out as they had hoped.

Meghan had invited a bunch of Hollywood A-listers to the royal wedding, including Reese Witherspoon, whom she had never met before.

Since then, it seems that Meghan has been trying to make Reese her actress bestie.

According to sources, Meghan was reaching out to Reese about a deal that she had on the table that she wanted to put forth for Netflix.

However, Reese reportedly denied Meghan's efforts at collaboration and suggested they go for a different actress, Melissa McCarthy.


It appears that Meghan is finding it difficult to make connections in Hollywood, despite her royal status.

Celebrities aren't often besties but they work and pose together for the sake of their image and for what else?


It's wild to think that Meghan has to constantly ask Hollywood A-listers for favors and production deals.

has armored herself with a solid group of A-list best friends, including professional tennis player Serena Williams, who is number one in women's singles tennis.

However, it seems that those same friends are keeping their distance from her since she's no longer a royal.

In September 2019, Meghan flew to New York for a two-day trip to support Serena at the US Open Championship game.

However, there's a lot of superstitions surrounding the game of tennis, and those that come in attendance are crucial to the result of the game.

Serena lost the match when Meghan came to see her, but won the night before when she wasn't there.

Williams' coach, Patrick, Moore at Ugloo, keeps telling her to focus, focus, focus, as the aim is getting her to win her 24th Grand Slam.

In the latest news about Harry and Meghan, has been consigned to 's past and doesn't feature in his future royal plans, according to royal expert Richard Eden.

Speaking on the Palace Confidential podcast, he claimed that William has moved on from the row, and this meant Harry had been sidelined from his plans.

It's a sad reality, but he's not part of the future that William envisages and is almost irrelevant to that.

It seems that Meghan is finding it difficult to make connections in Hollywood, despite her royal status.

She may have thought that her status as a Duchess would be enough to attract Hollywood A-listers, but it appears that this is not the case.

Meghan's attempts at collaboration with Reese Witherspoon were reportedly denied, and her friends are keeping their distance since she is no longer a royal.

It's not uncommon for celebrities to work together for the sake of their image and connections.

However, it seems that Meghan is struggling to make these connections.

Even though she has a solid group of A-list best friends, they are keeping their distance since she is no longer a royal.

It's a sad reality for Meghan, who may have thought that her royal status would be enough to attract Hollywood A-listers.

In conclusion, 's struggle to make Hollywood connections is a reflection of the challenges she faces after leaving the royal family.

Despite her efforts to collaborate with Hollywood A-listers, she has been met with rejection.

Her friends are also keeping their distance since she is no longer a royal.

It's a tough road ahead for Meghan, who may have to work harder than ever to make connections in Hollywood.

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