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Meghan Markle’s Cringey Skit on Ellen DeGeneres’ Show Sparks Controversy

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Cringey Skit on Ellen DeGeneres’ Show Sparks Controversy

Thomas Markle Sr., father of the Duchess of Sussex, has called for his daughter to be stripped of her royal title after her appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' chat show.

The former lighting director said his family had been left embarrassed by Meghan's cringey skit and that she insulted the Queen, the Royal Family, and the British people.

He added that she made a complete fool of herself and should lose her title.

During the show, Meghan had to do whatever Ellen told her, which included squatting down, eating crisps like a chipmunk, dancing, and even swigging milk from a baby's bottle.

The Duchess also shared a story about going for auditions and having to climb out the window of her car because the door did not work properly.

However, Thomas insisted it was not a beat-up old car and that Meghan got a lot of help starting in Hollywood.


He felt wounded and disappointed that Meghan spoke of her struggles for success without acknowledging his support.

Thomas also expressed his hurt that the chat was his only update on his grandchildren, and .

It reminded him of Meghan as a teething tot who cried and cried.

He believes Harry should get a job as all he seems to do is ride his bike and that the couple should join the royal family over Christmas.

Bad tempers had driven him and Meghan apart, but he still hopes for a reunion.

In her second high-profile interview of the year, Meghan reminisced about her time as an aspiring actress who would drive to the Warner Bros. studios in a car so old, she had to climb in through the trunk as its doors would not open.

She revealed that she owned a very, very old car which she used to drive from audition to audition.

After auditions, she would park at the back of the parking lot and climb in through the trunk, then pull it shut behind her and crawl over all the seats to get out.

This is not the first time that Meghan has spoken of the struggles she faced as an aspiring actress.

Her Ford Explorer Sport also came up when she spoke at the Create and Cultivate conference in 2017.

At that time, Meghan had said she relied on the car to get from one audition to the next but was too broke to have it fixed.

She said the clicker wouldn't open the front doors and she couldn't afford to fix the car, so she would crawl into the back of her car to the front seat to drive off to her next audition.

Thomas Markle Sr. was not impressed with his daughter's performance on Ellen's show and called it a stupid stunt.

He said the whole thing was kind of embarrassing, not just for Meghan but for everyone in the UK.

He believes that she is putting herself out there as a Duchess, but he has never seen a Duchess behave this way, doing stupid stunts.

Meghan's estranged dad added that she insulted the Queen, the Royal Family, and the British people.

He loves his daughter, but her performance was ridiculous.

He thinks she made a complete fool of herself and should lose her title.

Meghan was wrong to claim she struggled by using a dodgy car while finding acting work.

Despite their differences, Thomas still hopes for a reunion with his daughter.

He believes that bad tempers have driven them apart, but he is optimistic that they can reconcile.

He thinks that Harry should get a job and that the couple should join the royal family over Christmas.

In conclusion, 's appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' chat show has sparked controversy, with her father calling for her to be stripped of her royal title.

He believes that her cringey skit was a stupid stunt and that she insulted the Queen, the Royal Family, and the British people.

Meghan's claims of using a beat-up old car while finding acting work have been disputed by her estranged dad, who insists that she got a lot of help starting in Hollywood.

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