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Prince Harry Should Pay for His Own Security, Says Lorraine Kelly

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry Should Pay for His Own Security, Says Lorraine Kelly

In a recent episode of her ITV daytime show, Lorraine Kelly criticised 's decision to take his legal battle with the British media to court.

She suggested that the Duke should have called his father, , instead of going to court.

Royal expert Russell Myers joined Lorraine on the show and questioned why couldn't pay for his own security like his father did.

Russell explained that when was in a relationship with Parker-Bowles in the early 2000s, he paid privately for her to have her own security.

He pointed out that there is a precedent for this, and there's no precedent for what Prince Harry is doing.

Lorraine expressed her disappointment in Prince Harry's strained relationship with his father, Prince Charles, amid the legal drama.


She suggested that Prince Harry could have simply picked up the phone and called his dad to sort things out rather than going to court.

Royal editor Sarah Vine also weighed in on the matter, saying that Prince Harry has trashed his family, splashed his grievances all over the world's front pages, and kicked his 95-year-old grandmother while she's down.

She added that Prince Harry needs to make sure he doesn't demand that the British taxpayer stump up for his family's protection when they are in the UK.

Sarah went on to explain that Prince Harry and left the UK because they had convinced themselves that they were being poorly treated by the British people.

They abandoned their duties for the sake of a life without responsibility, but with a newfound opportunity to trade on their titles and status to secure lucrative deals abroad for spilling the royal beans.

Sarah added that Prince Harry and cast themselves as victims at every turn, refusing to accept their own part in this tedious and never-ending drama.

She pointed out that they lost their taxpayer-funded security protection because they chose to relinquish their royal status and move halfway across the world to California.

Sarah concluded by suggesting that if Prince Harry wants security, he should make sure his new mates at Netflix pay for it.

She added that she's sure they'll be more than happy to stump up in exchange for another no-holds-barred moanathon about the wicked folks back home.

In conclusion, Lorraine Kelly's criticism of Prince Harry's decision to go to court has sparked a debate about who should pay for the Duke's security.

While some argue that Prince Harry should pay for his own security like his father did for Parker-Bowles, others suggest that the British taxpayer should not have to foot the bill for a couple who no longer want anything to do with Britain or the royal family.

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