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Prince Harry Takes Break From Meghan Markle Amidst Marriage Troubles

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry Takes Break From Meghan Markle Amidst Marriage Troubles

has reportedly taken a break from his wife, , due to their constant fighting.

An unnamed source told Woman's Day that couldn't help but blame Markle for everything that's been happening to him, so, instead of lashing out at his wife, he decided to take a few days away from her.

The source added that Prince Harry has every right to be annoyed at Markle because they've been working on the rollout of their projects for years.

And now there's a risk of the Netflix series falling apart, just like her children's series Pearl did earlier this year.

The source also claimed that one of the obvious signs that there are ongoing problems in Prince Harry and Markle's marriage happened just a few days ago when the former attended a mental health conference without his wife.

Prince Harry showed up without Meghan and didn't mention her at all, which is uncharacteristic of him.


Usually, they can't wait to heap praise on each other in a public setting.

Apparently, he was in no rush to return to Montecito either, and stuck around the Bay Area as long as he could, the source said.

The coming months will be tough on Prince Harry and Markle, according to the source.

After all, they'll be doing a lot of things, so it's highly likely for them to continue butting heads.

And chances are, cracks in their marriage will also continue to show.

Recently, Lady Colin Campbell, a well-connected woman to the British aristocracy, made the claim a couple of days ago that the Sussexes have split up.

However, she did say that it was rumoured despite having been told by two different sources.

In recent months, Prince Harry has appeared in public and looks miserable.

Not to mention, Meghan has appeared on magazine covers without him, while referring to the Duke of Sussex as my husband and never by his name, revealing how she truly feels about him.

While she doesn't directly say it in her most thoughts, her solo appearances give away the feelings.

Since they've been together, it's become apparent that does not love Prince Harry.

He's always been a tool for her to achieve her dream of being famous.

She thrives off the spotlight and attention.

Her saintly photo shoot with Variety magazine, where she's bathed in light like an angel coming down from heaven to save the world, is sickening.

All Meghan loves, aside from herself, is the opportunity of being a Duchess.

She can crow about doing a Netflix docuseries about her love story with Prince Harry all she likes, but only her supporters are buying it.

All she cares about is the money that she will get from the deal.

Little did she realize that the cash that was given out to her and Harry was for production costs.

Projects don't just manifest out of thin air.

knew when Prince Harry got with Meghan that it would spell trouble.

Never would he think, or us, the whole world, that the whole marriage would just be a sham that was never going to last.

Markle, as the bullied palace staff have said, as per Valentin Lowe, was always obsessed with being the victim.

She agreed to marry Harry, but she was always looking for faults.

It didn't matter how small it was, she knew if she had a title, she could milk every little flaw she found for profit.

In his biography, Battle of Brothers, royal historian Robert Lacey claims Meghan and Harry's decision to sell merchandise under their own royal trademark, Sussex Royal, without the Queen's permission was a step too far and caused the family to finally hit back.

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