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Royal Children Forbidden From Sitting With Parents Until They Learn Polite Conversation

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Royal Family News

Royal Children Forbidden From Sitting With Parents Until They Learn Polite Conversation

When it comes to royal family protocol and etiquette, a lot of rules apply.

From standing up when the Queen stands and refraining from moments of PDA, to the requirement of myrtle in all royal wedding bouquets and female members wearing baby pink nail varnish.

However, little did we know that some of the rules applied to the youngest members of the monarchy too.

According to Harper's Bazaar Australia, and are forbidden from sitting with their parents until they have learned the art of polite conversation.

It seems that talking about Peppa Pig and nap time doesn't count as polite conversation.

In addition to learning about dinner time conversation in the years to come, and 's children are also reportedly required to learn more than one language.


Earlier this year, People magazine reported that has already started learning Spanish despite having only just started school.

This is likely because her nanny Maria Teresa Turin is a Spanish native and often speaks to the two-year-old in her mother tongue.

The children's bilingual attributes make sense given the amount they're required to travel around the world in their lifetimes.

The Cambridge's eldest children have already visited the likes of Australia, France, Canada and Germany.

However, when it comes to dressing, the little ones also have to follow strict royal protocol.

Last July, the BBC confirmed that it is mandatory for to wear shorts as a young male member of the royal family.

Apparently, the tradition of young royal boys wearing shorts dates back to the 16th century, so there's a long history of rule following vouching in favour of shorts and knee highs.

Of course, Prince George broke this rule last month when he wore trousers for his uncle 's royal wedding at which he served as page boy.

Prince George is ever the risk-taker.

When it comes to Charlotte's attire, the little princess is rarely seen without a colourful smock dress with a Peter Pan collar.

A pair of Mary Jane shoes and a matching coloured bow in her hair also appear to be a requirement.

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