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Sophie Wessex to Accompany Meghan Markle at Queen Elizabeth II’s Funeral

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Royal Family News

Sophie Wessex to Accompany Meghan Markle at Queen Elizabeth II’s Funeral

The funeral of II is set to take place on Monday, and according to reports, will be accompanied by Sophie Wessex as she follows behind senior royals in a car.

King Charles III will lead the procession while other royal family members, including and , will follow him.

Rebecca English, a writer for the Daily Mail, shed light on Meghan's self-consciousness during a recent appearance.

Meghan, who was seen with Sophie behind the Queen's coffin at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, looked stylish and striking, wearing a pair of pearl earrings given to her by the Queen as a wedding present.

Sophie appeared to be a peacemaker on the occasion, but there was something self-consciously awkward about her posture, demonstrating the depth of the rift between herself and the rest of the royal family.

Meghan had travelled in a car with Sophie from Buckingham Palace earlier, while the Queen consort and Kate went ahead together.


Meghan found a reason to move slightly closer to her husband's aunt.

and 's Attempt to Gather Attention During Their UK Visit Fails

Meanwhile, Meghan Markle and 's attempt to gather attention during their UK visit failed, according to royal commentator Neil Sean.

The couple originally planned the trip to visit charities close to their heart, but the Queen's death forced them to change plans.

Speaking on his YouTube channel, Mr Sean said, “what's interesting here though is that not one national newspaper over here put Harry and Meghan on the front pages.

And this has created, well, havoc behind the scenes.”

Their five-day visit also had to be put on the back burner as Buckingham Palace announced on Thursday the Queen had died whilst holidaying in Balmoral.

Mr Sean continued, “now, a lot of people are saying, they are popular, you know.

Yes, they are.

It's a bit like a sort of soap opera, isn't it?

People can't stop watching.

And the multi-line is they're not carrying that as the L'Day story because they know the readers have moved on.”

The Sussexes Praised for Putting Differences Aside

Despite apparent hostility from some members of the crowd, Meghan kept her cool and greeted people while walking alongside Kate, the Princess of Wales and at Windsor on Saturday.

It was the first time the two royal couples had been seen together in more than two years, raising hopes of peace with the royal family.

The unexpected death of the Queen prompted the Sussexes to change plans.

Instead of travelling back to the US, the couple have been staying at their Windsor home, Frogmore Cottage, and are expected to remain in the UK until the funeral on September 19.

In a touching tribute to the Queen, Prince Harry thanked his grandmother for her infectious smile and sound advice.

In conclusion, the funeral of II will be a somber occasion for the royal family, but it has also provided an opportunity for reconciliation.

Meghan Markle will follow behind senior royals in a car, accompanied by Sophie Wessex.

Despite failing to gather attention during their UK visit, the Sussexes were praised for putting their differences aside and walking alongside the royal family.

The unexpected death of the Queen has brought the family together, and Prince Harry's tribute to his grandmother shows the depth of their respect and love for her.

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