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The Queen and Prince Philip: A Love Story That Lasts Seven Decades

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Royal Family News

The Queen and Prince Philip: A Love Story That Lasts Seven Decades

The Queen and Prince Philip have always been known for their subtle displays of affection, preferring to keep their emotions private.

However, their love for each other, which has lasted for seven decades, is evident to those who observe them closely.

A body language expert, Judy James, analyzed four recent snapshots of the royal couple to give her professional opinion on their relationship.

Judy noted that the Queen has historically combined duty with the suppression of body language displays in public, but Prince Philip has always seemed to be her very charming Achilles heel when it comes to those odd moments of emotional leakage.

Despite their differences in height and traditional male-female posing, they show like-mindedness through tightly choreographed movements.

Prince Philip is able to draw the most emotion from his wife than any other royal, when in public together, a sign of their clear bond.


It is also pretty clear that, after 70 years together, Philip can still make his wife laugh on a regular basis.

The couple uses direct eye gazing when they laugh together, with Philip often leaning in and rounding the Queen to ensure she gets the joke.

In one photograph, the Prince and the Queen stand side by side at the races, with the Queen in bright lime green.

Prince Philip's signature hand gesture is a clasp behind his back, which always seems to suggest that he's keeping his hands out of trouble.

When the Queen is relaxed and smiling, she will sometimes mirror this pose in what looks like a subconscious act that will be prompted by high levels of rapport.

Even when Prince Philip is in the background, it is clear his wife is at the forefront of his mind.

With the Queen often slightly isolated on royal duties, Prince Philip tends to look quietly attentive but unobtrusive, checking for a pen in his pocket in case she hasn't been given one to sign with.

The pair obviously share a similar sense of humor, as is displayed in an image of them sitting side by side, with a tartan blanket over the Queen's lap.

They are laughing in sheer delight because they're both enjoying the same joke.

Lastly, an image at the Cenotaph this Remembrance Sunday showed how Prince Philip supports his wife emotionally, albeit via almost imperceptible communication.

The Queen shed a tear as she looked down at the service, and her facial expression looked utterly distraught at one point.

This moment of direct eye contact, with the Prince turning his head to smile down at her while the Queen beams back up at him, shows how little their intrinsic body language displays of affection have changed from the day they were married.

has been described by the royals as II's rock, however, the pair are said to never kiss in public.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams explained that it is very rare for members of the royal family to show affection publicly on official engagements, as it doesn't look appropriate or professional.

A public embrace would mean royal body language is the story rather than the event the couple is attending.

In conclusion, the Queen and Prince Philip have shown us that love can last a lifetime.

Despite their royal duties and public appearances, they have managed to keep their love strong for seventy years.

Their subtle displays of affection may not be obvious to the untrained eye, but their bond is evident in their tightly choreographed movements, shared sense of humor, and emotional support for each other.

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