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Donald Trump Responds to Similarities to Adolf Hitler

Royal Family News

Donald Trump Responds to Similarities to Adolf Hitler

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Donald Trump Responds to Similarities to Adolf Hitler

Donald Trump is denying recent comparisons of the billionaire businessman to Adolf Hitler.

On Good Morning America on Tuesday morning, the GOP presidential front-runner told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that comparing him to Hitler is “terrible” and that he is “not pleased.”

Trump said he was unaware that celebrities like Louis C.K. and world leaders like Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto were comparing him to Adolf Hitler. “I don’t want to be compared to that,” he clarified.

C.K. made headlines over the weekend after reminding fans via email “Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please For a brief moment, it was humorous. However, the person in question is Adolf Hitler. And by that, I mean we’re playing the part of Germany in the 1930s.”

After challenging supporters to lift their right hand and pledge to vote in their primaries at several rallies, Trump has drawn comparisons to Hitler. Pictures from the incident that were shared on social media show a showing that some have compared to the Nazi salute.

When asked by Stephanopoulos if the analogy means Trump should “tone down” his rhetoric and tactics, Trump said, “maybe.” He quickly added, “I have to be solid,” because he has a huge following.

During the same interview, Stephanopoulos listed remarks made by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who declared on Monday that he would not run for president as an independent candidate while also blasting Trump.


Bloomberg said in his Monday announcement, “I’ve known Mr. Trump casually for many years, and we’ve always been on good terms.” “He has, however, run the most divisive and demagogic presidential campaign I can recall, preying on people’s fears and prejudices. The Republican Party’s founder, Abraham Lincoln, appealed to our “inner angels,” while Trump appeals to our “worst instincts.””

Trump’s retort was brief.

“I think he doesn’t agree with what I’m saying,” he explained, “but a lot of people do.”

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