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Ivanka REFUSED to let the Secret Service use any of her six bathrooms

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Ivanka REFUSED to let the Secret Service use any of her six bathrooms

According to the Washington Post, US taxpayers have been spending $3,000 a month for the Secret Service to rent a bathroom in Ivanka and Jared’s neighbor’s house since September 2017 because the couple doesn’t want to share a toilet with the same people charged with defending their lives.

More than $100,000 was spent on a basement studio in a home near the family’s $15,000-per-month, only so agents could use the restroom when on the job.

But that’s not all.

Agents are often compelled to walk through the area looking for a small business that would encourage them to use the bathroom.

A local law enforcement official familiar with the case tells WaPo, “It’s the first time I have heard of a Secret Service detail having to go to these lengths to find a toilet.”

All of this occurred after Ivanka and Jared’s neighbors protested about agents using an outside porta-potty at the end of the block.

“People in the area said, ‘That’s just not fair’ because they put the porta-potty right outside on the sidewalk we weren’t supposed to walk on,” says former neighbor Dianne Bruce.


When the porta-potty was hauled out, she remembers saying, “These poor people.  Are they going to have to get in their cars?”

A White House spokeswoman denies that Ivanka and Jared denied Secret Service agents access to any of their mansion’s six bathrooms, claiming that the department chose to rent their own bathroom off-site.

The family did, however, insist that agents find somewhere else to go while guarding them in their house, making all six of their toilets “off-limits,” according to a local law enforcement official.

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