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People DISLIKE Meghan Markle now more than EVER

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Royal Family News

People DISLIKE Meghan Markle now more than EVER

After 's interview with Harry and Meghan, UK public opinion of the pair is ‘worst ever,' according to a survey.

According to the poll, and 's popularity has plummeted since their interview with .

Their candid interview with the CBS did not go down well in the United Kingdom.

received a -3 net score because 48% of respondents had a negative opinion of him, compared to 45% who had a favorable opinion.

According to pollsters YouGov, it's the first time opinions against him have become more critical than supportive, and it's a 15-point decline since March 2.

Support for the Queen and and , on the other hand, tends to be stable and positive, according to the poll.


Meghan's reputation seems to have collapsed after the interview.

The Duchess of Sussex was regarded positively by just 31% of the 1,664 British respondents, and she was viewed negatively by 58 percent.

This week's net ranking is -27, down from -14 a week earlier.

The poll, however, shows a generational division.

Meghan is liked by the majority of 18-24-year-olds (55%) and disliked by about a third (32%) of them. The same can be said for Prince Harry, with 59 percent supporting him and 28 percent against him.

The couple, on the other hand, is largely disliked by the over-65s. Harry received 27 percent positive and 69 percent negative responses, while Meghan received 13 percent and 83 percent, respectively.

The Duchess of Cambridge's ratings were mostly favorable, with 73 percent positive and 16 percent negative.

That's despite Meghan's assertion that it was Kate who made her cry before her wedding, rather than the other way around, as previously reported in the papers.

The survey was taken on the 10th and 11th of March, only a few days after Harry and Meghan's interview aired.

According to YouGov, public opinion on the monarchy has remained mostly unchanged in the aftermath of the disputed claims; two-thirds of people still want a Royal Family (63 percent), compared to 67 percent in October last year.

A quarter of people (25%) want an elected president, up from 21 percent.

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