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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship has been the talk of the town ever since they announced their engagement.

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship has been the talk of the town ever since they announced their engagement.

The couple has been inseparable since they started dating, and according to body language expert Judy James, Harry has given Meghan different signals than his previous girlfriends.

Judy revealed that in the past, we’ve seen Harry doing fun and flirty things with his girlfriends, but he never went beyond boyish flirting with them.

However, with Meghan, things are different.

“When Harry dated Chelsea between 2004 and 2011, we saw him doing more of the fun and flirty stuff,” said Judy.

“Chelsea shows the most interest, leaning in and smiling, while Harry frowns with a facial expression that borders on the board.”

Judy went on to say that when Harry dated Cressida Bonas between 2012 and 2014, he seemed bored by her.

“Harry is completely out of synch with her here, sitting slump forward with a bored facial expression,” she said.


In contrast, Meghan gives Harry maximum romantic attention by placing an arm around his shoulders and staring at his face.

But after several years, the body language expert believes that Harry has found his true love in Meghan.

“Both Harry and Meghan are using the softened facial expression known as the look of love here, with twin smiles and loving eye expressions even though they’re not looking at one another,” said Judy.

“This is a good example of the subconscious mirroring that suggests a couple are like-minded and like-bodied.

Strong ties of love often lead to this mimicry because each person wants to get closer, show empathy, and create the strongest links to their partner.”

According to Judy, Harry and Meghan’s body language suggests that they have a strong connection and are very much in love.

“The arm around the shoulders is on the back of her chair rather than cuddling her fondly,” she said.

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