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Meghan Markle Accused of Flirting with Serena Williams’ Husband

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Accused of Flirting with Serena Williams’ Husband

, the Duchess of Sussex, has been accused of flirting with her best friend Serena Williams' husband, Alexis Ohanian.

Reports suggest that a wild blind item is circulating on the internet, claiming that Markle is getting too close to Ohanian.

Women's Day, one of the tabloids reporting on the story, has called the rumors unfounded gossip and absurd.

The magazine went into detail about the allegations, quoting from a website that claimed Ohanian felt that Markle was hitting on him at the US Open, causing a rift between Markle and Williams.

Markle, known for being controversial, has a solid group of A-list best friends, including the number one women's singles tennis player, Serena Williams.

However, reports suggest that they are not really best friends.


The rumors of Markle flirting with Ohanian have caused a stir in the media, with many wondering if 's wife is making moves on her best friend's guy.

The tabloid claims that Markle is quite dangerous, seductive, manipulative, calculating, and unforgiving in her pursuit of married men.

She competes with their spouses and supposedly is a siren with men.

The report suggests that she is quite adept at love-bombing them, staring at them, and catching them off guard.

They become devoted followers of hers, but she never becomes their friend.

She disconnects from their wives too.

The report suggests that she gets whatever she wants, according to her prince.

The report also raises the question of whether regrets marrying .

The author believes that if he doesn't, there is something very wrong with him.

The author is not naive enough to think that the royals are saints, but believes that Markle is a grifter and worse.

William, Harry's brother, was a loving and protective brother.

He was actually fatherly toward Harry in the aftermath of their mother's tragic death.

Knowing that Charles was likely relieved by Diana's demise, William clung to Harry and vice versa.

Nobody else felt their pain.

The two shared a sacred bond.

Meghan Markle has proven herself to be worse than any of us could have imagined.

She was so jealous of Catherine that she couldn't see straight.

Ultimately, she decided that if she could not be top dog, she would make an attempt to bring them all down.

The author believes that the ball is in the queen's court.

To give in to Markle, the ultimate grifter, would be a huge mistake.

Markle is not above blackmail.

The author thinks that she would be elated to expose the monarchy's most painful secrets.

However, the author also believes that Markle has plenty of skeletons in her own closet.

The press has plenty of dirt on her, and it will all come tumbling out.

In conclusion, rumors are circulating that Meghan Markle is flirting with Serena Williams' husband, Alexis Ohanian.

While the reports are considered unfounded gossip and absurd, they have caused a stir in the media.

The report suggests that Markle is quite dangerous, seductive, manipulative, calculating, and unforgiving in her pursuit of married men.

It raises the question of whether Prince Harry regrets marrying her.

The author believes that Markle is a grifter and worse, and that the ball is in the queen's court.

The press has plenty of dirt on her, and it will all come tumbling out.

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