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Queen Refuses to Meet with Harry and Meghan During Their UK Visit

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Royal Family News

Queen Refuses to Meet with Harry and Meghan During Their UK Visit

The royal family has been making headlines again, and this time it's all about the Sussexes.

and are set to return to the UK next month for a series of charity events.

However, the timing of their visit could not be worse, as it coincides with a leadership vote for the Conservative Party and the Queen's return from her summer holiday in Balmoral.

The Palace has already confirmed that the Queen will interrupt her holiday to meet with the new Prime Minister and the outgoing Boris Johnson.

This means that the Sussex pair and the Queen, who has been the target of their nasty attacks, will be in the same place at the same time.

The question on everyone's mind is: Will the Queen make time to see them?


The Sussexes are likely to stay at their UK-based Brogmore Cottage while they're there, a property for which they renewed the lease in May.

Meanwhile, the Queen will probably be just up the road at Windsor Castle.

The last time that the Sussex duo and the Queen came face to face was briefly during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in early June when they introduced their daughter to the Queen.

According to biographer Tom Bauer's recent release, Revenge, Harry had asked the Queen if he could visit her in Windsor on his way to the Netherlands.

Bauer wrote, to secure her agreement, Harry appeared to give the impression that the meeting would offer an olive branch to clear the air.

But whatever progress may have been made was lost when less than a week later, Harry decided to announce to USTV host Hoda Kotb that he had visited to make sure that Her Majesty was protected and to see that she had the right people around her.

So, when the first week of September arrives, are we going to see the Queen make time to see her grandson and her granddaughter-in-law?

Or is she going to deliver them the snub to end all snubs?

If the situation ends up happening that both the Queen and the Netflix employees find themselves only a minute's drive away from each other, and the Queen doesn't make any effort whatsoever to see them, it's going to be humiliating for the two of them.

The Sussexes are some self-exiled former HRHs, and if the beloved Queen won't make time to see them, that makes for a much harder sell to audiences.

This week in September will be a big test of how things really are between the former army captain and his grandmother.

Are we going to see a hands-across-the-aisle, peacemaking Queen offering some finger food and unerring familiar love?

Or will the Queen instead reject the two of them?

So far, the palace is keeping mum about the Duke and Duchess' visit coming during a busy week for the monarch.

With one royal source telling the paper, there are lots of moving parts.

And of course, the big elephant in the room is Harry's memoir.

It could come out only weeks after they make the trip to Britain.

Assuming they're going to come along for the ride, that is.

The Queen has the power to make the Sussex's trip either something of a successful return to the British spotlight, which might pave the way for more time on UK soil.

Or if she chooses to reject them, it's going to be a bit of a bust.

We don't need our crystal ball out to be able to understand which option Netflix paymasters must surely be hoping and praying for.

The Cambridges, who are moving into the four bedroom Adelaide Cottage in the next few weeks, have no plans to see the now Montecito, California based couple.

But the Queen is another matter entirely.

Are we going to see an example of a sympathetic, loving grandmother?

Or are we going to see an example of a rightfully angry CEO?

A monarch who wants to put the tower back into service maybe?

Only time will tell.

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