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Prince Harry sued the UK government for taking away his police bodyguards, citing safety concerns for his family’s return to the UK.

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Prince Harry sued the UK government for taking away his police bodyguards, citing safety concerns for his family’s return to the UK.

However, this move did not sit well with Royal commentator Sarah Vine, who wrote an article titled “, if you still want security for the family, make sure your mates at Netflix pay for it.”

Vine criticized Harry for being a “whining, pathetic bore” and an “entitled, tedious little ingrate” who trashed his family and kicked his 95-year-old grandmother while she was down.

Vine reminded readers that it was Harry and Meghan's decision to leave behind their royal life in search of a different life in America.

While they may have convinced themselves that they were forced into exile by an ungrateful nation insufficiently appreciative of their presence, the truth is they really didn't have to go.

They went because it suited their purpose, and because their ambitions exceeded what they saw as the parochial, limiting confines of dear old Blighty.

The couple has spent the past two years blaming everyone else for their problems, when in fact, it was their appalling attitude and determination to see the slightest criticism as an act of aggression that caused all their problems in the first place.


They cast themselves as victims at every turn, refusing to accept their own part in this tedious and never-ending drama.

Vine also pointed out that the couple lost their taxpayer-funded security protection because they chose to relinquish their royal status and move halfway across the world to California.

Why should the British people continue to pay for two people who want nothing to do with Britain or the royal family?

If someone quits their job for more money and better books, then badmouths their previous employer all over town, they can't also demand they keep their old company credit card, can they?

Vine suggested that if Harry wants security, he should make sure his new mates at Netflix pay for it.

She believes they'll be more than happy to stump up in exchange for another no-holds-barred moanathon about the wicked folks back home.

Vine's article suggests that Harry should own his decision to leave the UK and stop blaming others for his problems.

Vine also criticized Harry for choosing to embark on this course of action in such an aggressive way and through legal channels at a time of great difficulty for the Queen.

She sees this move as proof that has become the kind of fellow who would sue his own grandmother.

In conclusion, Sarah Vine's article is a scathing critique of Prince Harry's recent legal action against the UK government.

She believes that if Harry wants security for his family, he should make sure his new mates at Netflix pay for it.

Vine's article suggests that Harry should take responsibility for his actions and stop blaming others for his problems.

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