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Kate Prepares for Future as Queen with New Responsibilities

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Royal Family News

Kate Prepares for Future as Queen with New Responsibilities

The Duchess of Cambridge, , is taking on new responsibilities in preparation for her future role as Queen.

Although her husband, , is not yet the heir to the throne, Kate is already learning the ropes and participating in several events to lay the groundwork for this important job.

According to royal expert Rebecca Long, Kate has been gradually taking on new responsibilities over the last few years, so it won't be a shock when the time comes.

The Queen is determined to teach Kate the ins and outs of the prestigious role, and the two of them often spend hours discussing royal life and the future of the monarchy.

Kate's very first solo engagement with the Queen at King's College London was an opportunity for her to prepare for when she is crowned Queen.

The people of the UK are excited about William and Kate being the favourite royals to take the crown in many generations.


Meanwhile, is already preparing for his role as King.

He is getting ready to acquire his father's £1 billion estate, the Duchy of Cornwall, and attended two top-secret meetings in January in relation to matters concerning the Duchy, the highest number of such meetings he has attended so far.

William recently left his job as an air ambulance pilot to become a full-time working royal.

As time goes on, his presence becomes ever more important, meaning he has to commit all of his working time to royal duties.

Just like is preparing to become King, William is already preparing to become Prince of Wales ready for the duties and responsibilities he will have to take on.

There have been rumours of a long-standing feud between Kate and her sister-in-law, , with rising tensions between the Cambridges and Sussexes.

However, royal expert Katie Nicholl thinks the feud is nothing but speculation.

“I think this idea of there being a catfight between the two duchesses has made tantalising headlines, but I don't believe that,” Nicholl said.

“I've never heard from my sources that there has ever been a feud or a falling out.”

Referring to Meghan and Kate's alleged dispute over 's dress fitting for her royal wedding, Nicholl said, “I had heard about an upset over the dress fitting for .

And I had heard that while Harry was very keen for the two of them to become best friends, there was never that sort of a friendship.”

“I know in the early days Kate invited Meghan over to apartment 1A for tea.

Obviously, she took her on that high-profile trip to Wimbledon, so they have spent time together.

But what I think hasn't happened is, they haven't become best friends out of all of it.

That's not to say they hate each other.

I don't believe that to be the case at all.”

Kate has come a long way to get where she is today, and she's ready for the responsibilities that come with being a future Queen.

With the guidance of the Queen, Kate is sure to make an excellent monarch when the time comes.

The people of the UK are eagerly anticipating the day when William and Kate take the crown.

As the future King and Queen, they will have many duties and responsibilities to take on, but with their preparation and dedication, they are sure to excel in their roles.

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