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Meghan and Harry Face Calls to Lose Titles After Criticising Royal Family

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Royal Family News

Meghan and Harry Face Calls to Lose Titles After Criticising Royal Family

Palace aides are reportedly calling for Meghan and Harry to be stripped of their royal titles after the Duke appeared to criticise 's parenting skills and upbringing during a recent podcast.

The view of these aides appears to be backed by many Twitter users who have taken to social media to express their support for the idea.

One Twitter user said that the couple should just become Harry and Meghan, and if they refuse to do that, they have to explain why not.

Others, however, are defending the couple, with one Twitter user saying that should retain his title as it was granted hereditarily and is beyond whatever public sentiment is at the moment.

Another Twitter user defended over accusations his comments on parenting were a slight at the royal family.

They wrote that royal aides have no reverence to this subject and that the titles are not important to the couple's success.


The Daily Mail Saturday Diary editor, Richard Eden, tweeted that he can't see Meghan and Harry voluntarily giving back their titles.

Newsweek royal correspondent Jack Royston said that someone had told him the palace is not happy about Prince Harry's podcast interview, but it would be logistically difficult to force them to give up their titles.

The Queen gave Harry and Meghan the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex as a wedding gift, and only she can issue a letter patent which would take away their HRH style.

However, it takes an act of Parliament with Royal Assent to remove the peerage.

According to a royal source, palace aides want Harry and Meghan to give up their titles and put them into abeyance, although they still exist, but are not used, like they agreed to do with their HRHs.

They suggest that the couple should just become Harry and Meghan, and if they refuse to do so, they have to explain why not.

Some Twitter users agree with this idea, with one saying that their titles need to go and that Harry is acting disgracefully.

Another user said that titles should be returned or stripped, as disrespecting your family is bad enough, but dismissing the royal family is showing contempt for the nation.

However, others feel that stripping them of their titles would be unfair, as they have already suffered hardship, distress, and loss in their lifetime.

One user said that Prince Harry and Meghan are an accomplished couple with or without their title and should call the bluff and give up the boring title.

It remains to be seen whether Meghan and Harry will voluntarily give up their titles or if an act of Parliament will be necessary to remove them.

Regardless, the controversy surrounding their comments on the royal family has sparked a debate about the importance of royal titles and their role in modern society.

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