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Meghan Markle Criticized by Dan Wooten and Meghan Kelly for Podcast Episode

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Criticized by Dan Wooten and Meghan Kelly for Podcast Episode

The Duchess of Sussex, , has come under fire from Dan Wooten and his guest, Meghan Kelly, for her most recent podcast episode on “Difficult Women”.

In a savage GB News rant, the duo criticized the Duchess, calling her “clueless” and urging her to stop referring to herself.

For months, has been releasing new episodes of her Spotify podcast Archetypes.

In the most recent episode, she spoke with her friends Victoria Jackson, a makeup artist, and Melody Hobson, the chairwoman of Starbucks, about “Pushy Women”.

However, Dan Wooten and Meghan Kelly dissected the Duchess of Sussex's assertions on his GB News program, critiquing the podcast and admonishing Meghan to “stop talking about herself”.

Dan introduced the Duchess as having “delivered another lesson in victimization disguised as a podcast”, according to GB News viewers.


Meghan asserted on the most recent episode of her podcast Archetypes that “strong-minded women are labeled ‘difficult' since it is a slur for b**h. Well, not everyone is going to like you, the goal can be for them to respect you,” the American, who is married to , added.

Dan invited Meghan Kelly, an American broadcaster, to respond to Meghan's most recent podcast assertions.

Meghan asserted, “I wouldn't necessarily refer to her as being the b**h word, but I would categorically refer to her as being ignorant.

She is completely illiterate, and I am sick to death of her meaningless off-topic ramblings about her non-problems.”

Meghan exploded, saying “And we're meant to care if someone calls Meghan ‘difficult' or the b**h word.

She doesn't understand, we don't.

Nobody is concerned about these non-issues.

She needs to quit whining and start expressing thanks for her life, which she perceives to be incredibly wonderful but finds nothing to celebrate.

Speak up.

Stop talking about yourself and practice gratitude and humility.”

Dan was informed by the broadcaster that Meghan lives in the state of California, which has more than 100,000 homeless people living there, and that the homicide rate has reached an all-time high.

“Who is watching this podcast?”

asked Dan.

“I pushed myself for the first few weeks because I thought it was crucial to hear everything, but now I can't be bothered.

I think very soon Spotify is going to regret its enormous investment.

I think this will be season one and done with this program.”

The Duchess stated on the podcast episode that “this woman, oh, she's difficult, is what these people are indicating when they use that extremely charged word, b**h, which is basically just a code term for the b word, or is probably not even a code word at all.”

Pippa Shay wrote on Twitter that “millions of listeners and her paying customers disagree” in reference to the GB News controversy.

However, Paul de Souza questioned, “If you don't like her that much, why are you listening to her and why are you giving her so much exposure when you find her so repulsive?

In actuality, you are addicted to her and require her more than she requires of you.”

Despite the criticism, some viewers still enjoy the Wooten Kelly segment and Meghan Kelly's ability to use her words.

Others, however, have accused her of using Meghan's podcast to advance her waning career.

In conclusion, the Duchess of Sussex has received criticism from Dan Wooten and Meghan Kelly for her most recent podcast episode.

While some viewers agree with the criticism, others argue that it is unnecessary and that Meghan should be free to express herself on her podcast.

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