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Meghan Markle’s GQ Award Check Reportedly Bounced, Sources Reveal Couple’s Financial Woes

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s GQ Award Check Reportedly Bounced, Sources Reveal Couple’s Financial Woes

Rumors have been circulating that 's check for her GQ Man of the Year award bounced, resulting in GQ refusing to give her the award at the ceremony.

If true, this would be an embarrassing situation for the Duchess of Sussex.

It appears that she sent the check and spread rumors about receiving the award, but when GQ couldn't collect the money, she received the award while trying to fix the clearance issue.

The situation suggests that she may be paying for awards that she and have been receiving and that these honors are not based on merit.

The couple has been wasting a lot of money on pointless PR that has achieved nothing.

Earlier this year, Harry and Meghan allegedly found themselves in a financial hole and on their way to going broke.


The couple cited financial freedom as one of the reasons behind their exit from the British monarchy.

They closed massive deals with companies and ventures that started between 2020 and 2021.

However, sources now reveal that the two personalities are having serious money issues in the United States and are on their way to going broke.

An insider explained that things have not been cheap for and as they established their new life outside the United Kingdom.

Apart from shouldering their roughly $3 million security detail, they also reportedly don't settle for anything less than five-star hotels, which cost them hefty sums.

With their big spending, the tipsters alleged that all these led them to a financial hole.

The Duke of Sussex is said to have a credit card debt of $480,000 and to have burned through a big chunk of his inheritance from .

Meanwhile, Meghan's wardrobe and jewelry alone reportedly cost over $10 million.

Daily Express Royal correspondent Richard Palmer warned that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are exposing themselves to criticism with their activism and engagement in politically charged causes.

The couple has become more vocal about their views since they left the royal family, raising concerns about voter suppression ahead of the US midterm elections.

Palmer cautioned that pushing the liberal agenda could backfire on the couple.

He said, “I think the problems that she, in particular, had in that interview, but also Harry, was that they struck the wrong tone.

They struck a divided tone that embroiled them in the culture wars, and I don't particularly like this term ‘woke.'

She said in her podcast this week that she was happy to embrace that term.

I think they did fall into a bit of a trap, and they have become the hate figures from the conservative side of politics because they are seen as advocates of the liberal agenda.”

It seems that the less we hear about something before it happens, the more likely it is to happen.

Lies after lies are being printed in all sorts of media just to keep Meghan Markle in the news.

However, with their financial woes and controversial political stances, the couple may be exposing themselves to further criticism.

While they do make important campaigning points about things they would like to see changed in society, they may need to reassess their approach to avoid becoming hate figures.

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