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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Under Fire for Playing the Victim Card

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Under Fire for Playing the Victim Card

and his wife, , have come under fire for playing the victim card to gain sympathy from the public.

The Duke of Sussex has been accused of being reckless and ignorant when it comes to mental health issues, after he spoke about using illegal drugs such as cannabis and ayahuasca in a recent conversation with Dr. Gabor Matei.

According to reports, was trying to attract love and affection from the public by describing himself as someone who comes from a broken home.

However, his comments have been criticized for their potential to cause harm, especially considering his lack of understanding of the serious damage these substances can wreak on their users.

During the conversation, Prince Harry also took a veiled jibe at his father, King Charles III, by reiterating that he won't pass trauma onto his children.

He went on to say that he felt different from the rest of his family throughout his younger years, and that he knows his mother, , felt the same way.


Prince Harry gave all credit for returning to life to his wife, , describing her as an exceptional human being who helped draw him out of the world he was stuck in.

However, some royal fans couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of jibe against his wife, considering her past comments about collapsing to the floor in anguish.

Many royal commentators and fans have slammed the Duke for his repeated stunts to attract attention and new finances to cash his royal stories.

One fan even compared him to a freshman home for Thanksgiving from college in the middle of a sociology 101 course, or just back from Burning Man or a gap year backpacking in Southeast Asia.

Some critics have also pointed out that Prince Harry seems angry and vindictive, which is what Meghan wants.

They argue that he has exchanged one controlling institution, the royal family, for another, being a member of a mega-cult.

They claim that this is not real growth, and that he needs to figure out his own thoughts and priorities instead of glomming onto another entity that will dictate his life.

Dr. Max Pemberton, writing for the Daily Mail, argued that Prince Harry has such a narrow experience of life, limited by wealth, fame, and privilege, that he cannot begin to guess what disastrous effects drugs can have on people in different circumstances.

He added that looking at the recent outcomes of Prince Harry's life, he seems neither particularly happy nor stable.

Despite the criticism, Prince Harry encouraged people to seek out some form of therapy before they end up in the fetal position on the kitchen floor.

This comment has also been criticized by some, who wonder if it was a jibe against Meghan, considering her past comments about collapsing in anguish.

In conclusion, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are being slammed for playing the victim card and acting like crying babies to capture attention.

Critics argue that Prince Harry is reckless and ignorant when it comes to mental health issues, and that he needs to figure out his own thoughts and priorities instead of glomming onto another entity that will dictate his life.

Despite his comments, it remains to be seen how the public will react to Prince Harry's latest statements and actions.

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