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Harry and Meghan’s NYC Fight Confirmed: Prince Harry’s Mental Health in Question

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Royal Family News

Harry and Meghan’s NYC Fight Confirmed: Prince Harry’s Mental Health in Question

A recent online comment has confirmed rumors of a shouting match between and during their visit to New York City.

According to the commenter, hotel employees where the couple was staying had reported a heated argument between the two before their speech at the United Nations.

The commenter claimed that Meghan was screaming and irate, displeased about not being given a speaking role or a chance to be on stage.

She reportedly berated Harry for not fighting harder to make her central, shouting, “I'm an important figure in my own right.”

In response, Harry was said to have tearfully yelled back, asking why she couldn't be happy for him and whether he wasn't good enough for her anymore.

This report sheds light on the couple's body language during the event, and raises questions about 's mental health.


Despite living his best life in California with his wife and children, Harry appears to be struggling.

While Meghan seems to be thriving, Harry's emotional state has become a talking point once again.

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While the Sussex squad may argue that Harry and Meghan are the best things to happen since the US gained independence, their delusion feeds into a PR narrative of rising above the impossible.

However, at the risk of Harry's mental health, the events of the United Nations show an unwell man who is struggling while his wife grins through everything like nothing is wrong.

This is not the first time that Prince Harry has shown signs of emotional distress.

During the Platinum Jubilee, there were instances where Harry's displeasure was picked up by cameras and broadcast across the internet.

He has also complained about misinformation, claiming that the media misrepresents his emotions.

However, it is clear that Harry struggles to hide his true feelings, and his mental health may be suffering as a result.

It is also worth noting that the speech at the United Nations was not written by Prince Harry, but by .

While Harry briefly touched on Nelson Mandela's legacy, the majority of the 14-minute speech had nothing to do with the late former South African president.

If Meghan did write the speech, it raises questions about her knowledge of Mandela and his work.

It also highlights the power dynamic in the couple's relationship, with Meghan seemingly taking control of Harry's public image.

Meghan's desire for recognition and fame has been evident since before she married Harry.

She knows that without him, she would lose everything – the fancy house, the staff, and her worldwide recognition.

However, Meghan is also a chameleon who changes her situation over time.

This time, she has what she has always wanted – global recognition.

Her fanbase has grown exponentially since her days on Suits, and she is now a household name.

However, given her history of compulsive lying, it is difficult to verify her claims of success.

In conclusion, the recent reports of a fight between Harry and Meghan shed light on the couple's dynamics and raise questions about Prince Harry's mental health.

While Meghan continues to bask in the spotlight, Harry appears to be struggling to keep up with the demands of their public life.

As the couple continues to navigate their roles as public figures, it is important to remember the toll that fame and scrutiny can take on one's mental health.

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