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Harry Claims Royal Family is Not Racist, but Critics Disagree

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Royal Family News

Harry Claims Royal Family is Not Racist, but Critics Disagree

recently sat down with ITV's Tom Bradby to promote his new memoir.

During the interview, he made a controversial claim that the royal family is not racist, which left Bradby visibly stunned.

However, not everyone was happy with Harry's statement.

Brittany of the Royal News Network did a reaction video to the interview, expressing her dissatisfaction with Harry's comments.

She pointed out that Harry and Meghan were silent about the racism allegations for almost two years, despite strongly implying them.

Shouty Shola, who has been supporting the couple, was also upset with Harry's gaslighting behavior.


The Royal Grift, who has been following the situation closely, pointed out that Harry's claim of unconscious bias being different from racism is not accurate.

She also criticized Harry for deflecting from the racism conversation by bringing up the Lady Susan Hussey-Ngozi Falani situation.

Despite the controversy, Tom Bradby was praised for bringing up the topic of racism.

The Royal Grift even mentioned that he gave a better interview than Anderson Cooper, as he went off script and asked more thought-provoking questions.

Sue Smith on YouTube revealed that Meghan was escorted out of one of the interviews, showing just how much control the couple wants to have over their narrative.

However, the biggest controversy surrounding Harry's memoir has been the intimate details he shared.

From revealing private conversations with his family members to discussing his military kill count and even a case of penile frostbite, Harry has left himself open to ridicule.

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel took advantage of this, using Harry's stories for comedy skits on his show.

Some of the skits were well-received by social media commenters, but others were seen as going too far.

In one skit, two actors dressed as Prince reenacted a physical attack on Harry by his brother William, which left him with scrapes and bruises.

Another skit focused on Harry's account of his frostbitten p-nis and how he used 's favorite lip cream as a home remedy.

While some may find these skits funny, others see them as disrespectful to the royal family and 's memory.

Overall, Harry's memoir has sparked a lot of controversy and criticism.

While he may claim that his family is not racist, many disagree with him.

And while he may have wanted to share intimate details about his life, it seems that some of his stories have left him open to ridicule and backlash.

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