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Prince Harry: A Man Unrecognizable From His Former Self

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry: A Man Unrecognizable From His Former Self

Royal Family expert and Harry's biographer, Angela Levin, has recently spoken out about the drastic changes she has witnessed in 's character.

In an interview with GB News, Levin stated that the Duke of Sussex is now bitter, angry, and feels hard done by, a far cry from the charismatic and intuitive man she knew when she spent over a year with him to write his biography, Harry, Conversations with the Prince, in 2018.

When asked if the she knew then and the one she knows now are two different people, Ms Levin replied, “Unrecognizable.”

She went on to explain how Prince Harry was brilliant with people, very funny, and occasionally had dark clouds that came over him.

Despite the difficulties he faced in his life, Ms Levin enjoyed every minute she spent with him.

However, things have changed dramatically since then, according to Ms Levin.


Prince Harry now lives in a million-pound house with 16 toilets, yet he feels hard done by and wants revenge on the Royal family for how they treated him and his mother.

Ms Levin suggested that Prince Harry could also attack his family left, right, and center in his upcoming memoirs, due out later this year.

Ms Levin also claimed that Prince Harry has changed his feelings towards his father, , following a very moving conversation they had when he guest-edited Radio 4's Today programme in December 2017.

At the time, Prince Harry apologized for being rude about his father and realized how wonderful he was.

Now, however, Ms Levin claims that Prince Harry just doesn't like his father and does anything to upset him.

Moreover, Ms Levin stated that Prince Harry has lost touch with normal people who can't relate to his waffle advice.

According to her, the me, me, me advice is of little use to ordinary people who haven't got the time or money to think about themselves.

“He's very much lost touch,” she said.

“I can't see how that would be of any help to anybody unless they are very rich, got loads of spare time, nannies who can take over and people who can run around and get shopping for them.”

Ms Levin added that it's very difficult now for people to make money, and the costs of everything have gone up.

“You can look as though you're working hard and you're thinking about yourself, and that's fine, but if you're a manual worker, you just have to keep going until it's your lunch break,” she said.

“At some point, it has to finish.

You can't just think about yourself and put yourself into analysis all the time.”

It seems that Prince Harry's transformation has left Ms Levin stunned.

She suggested that he is bitter, angry, and wants revenge on the Royal family, which is astonishing given his privileged position.

It remains to be seen what will happen next, but with Prince Harry's memoirs due out soon, it seems that there may be more revelations to come.

In conclusion, it's clear that Prince Harry has undergone a significant change in character, according to his biographer, Angela Levin.

From being charismatic and intuitive, he has become bitter, angry, and feels hard done by.

He has lost touch with normal people and provides advice that is of little use to those who can't relate to his privileged lifestyle.

Whether Prince Harry's memoirs will shed more light on his transformation remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure: he is a man unrecognizable from his former self.

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