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Prince Harry’s Marriage: A Look into the Hidden Power Behind the Crown

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry’s Marriage: A Look into the Hidden Power Behind the Crown

A new book by author Valentin Lowe, Courtiers, The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, has shed light on 's marriage to .

According to the book, Meghan was an egomaniac who forced Harry to go public with their romance before he was ready.

She threatened to break up with him if he didn't confirm their relationship publicly, causing Harry to panic and agree.

Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of a pattern where Meghan would coerce Harry into doing things he didn't want to do.

Insiders say that Harry is now starting to recognize this pattern and is feeling shaky after being back in the family fold.

He's anxious about the damage and hurt they've caused and is trying to rework his upcoming memoir to avoid any insensitivity.


The late Queen's funeral was a wake-up call for him, and he's panicking that what he's written could be considered far worse.

Harry is beginning to realize he's backed himself into a corner, and all these reminders about some of Meghan's behaviors are making him uncomfortable.

Despite putting the fact that Meghan pushed him to go public out of his mind, Harry now feels he should have bet on her not walking away and asserted his true feelings about the situation.

Unfortunately, this was just the first of many times that she would threaten him into compliance.

Insiders note that Meghan has fallen out with her entire family and has been instrumental in why Harry is alienated from his own.

The couple's recent demotion on the official Royal Family website last week is a telling sign of their place in the new look firm.

Harry is seriously wondering if he's made a big mistake, but he feels trapped in a mess of his own making.

The honeymoon phase is well and truly over.

According to Royal expert Valentin Lowe, Harry and Meghan got engaged in secret months prior to the public announcement.

If Mr. Lowe's claims are true, it would mean the couple got engaged after less than a year of dating.

After their public engagement announcement, the pair stood outside Kensington Palace and spoke with the press.

One asked the Duke if his proposal was romantic, to which he replied smiling, of course it was.

Another asked when he knew she was the one, and Harry replied, the very first time we ever met.

A statement released by the Royal Household said the Duchess had said yes to the proposal earlier this month.

But Mr. Lowe has since claimed the couple may have actually been engaged four months earlier than the statement indicates.

This would mean that Meghan had already said yes when she appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair to confirm she was dating Harry.

The Royal author said the pair didn't want people to know straight away after they became engaged.

However, he claimed everyone in Kensington Palace already knew about the big news before it was revealed to the public months later.

The book has revealed a disturbing insight into the Sussexes' marriage and how Meghan has been manipulating Harry.

The Prince is now starting to recognize the pattern of behavior and is feeling trapped in a mess of his own making.

It remains to be seen what the future holds for the couple, but it's clear that the honeymoon phase is over.

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