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Prince William Discusses Modernizing the Monarchy and His Future Role as King

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Royal Family News

Prince William Discusses Modernizing the Monarchy and His Future Role as King

, second in line to the British throne, has been preparing for his destiny since birth.

However, the Duke of Cambridge has expressed that he is not looking forward to the stress of ruling the Commonwealth.

In a recent interview with veteran royal correspondent Nicholas Whitchell, discussed his feelings about assuming the throne and the type of king he hopes to be.

During the interview, which took place several years ago to mark the Queen's 90th birthday, Whitchell asked Prince William what kind of king he would be and if he would be a more modern monarch.

The prince replied, “Well, I think the royal family has to modernize and to develop as it goes along, and it has to stay relevant.

And that's the challenge for me.


How do I make the royal family relevant in the next 20 years' time?

Or it could be 40 years' time, or 60 years' time.

I have no idea when that is going to be.”

Prince William went on to discuss the heartbreaking implications of him ascending to the throne, saying, “I certainly don't lie awake at night waiting or hoping for it because it sadly means my family has moved on, and I don't want that.”

Despite this, the Duke of Cambridge remarked that royal duty is extremely important, and he takes his responsibilities very seriously.

In the interview, Prince William also spoke of how his grandmother, II, has acted as a guiding example of what a good monarch can be.

He praised her duty, service, tolerance, and commitment to others, saying, “It's been incredibly insightful for me growing up, watching her leadership in that role.

It's important to grow into a particular role with the right characteristics and the right qualities, and I think she exemplified that with everything she's done.”

When asked about whether the Queen had made a point of instructing him as a future king about the art of monarchy, Prince William revealed that the monarch hadn't.

Instead, he said, “She believes in finding your own path, but with very good examples and guidance around you to support you.”

As the Queen approaches her 95th birthday, plans are reportedly being made for a special celebration in June.

Meanwhile, Prince William has been representing his grandmother on official visits, including his recent trip to Dubai on behalf of the Foreign Office.

During his visit, the prince emphasized the importance of young people in the fight to save the planet, telling schoolchildren, “You are the future.

Keep up the good work.”

The Duke of Cambridge's visit comes as Britain looks to the Gulf countries for trade deals as part of its post-Brexit strategy to build new ties around the world.

A Kensington Palace spokesperson said that Prince William's visit to the UAE will highlight and build upon the deep and strong bond between the UK and the Emirates, allowing him to engage with young Emirates, leaders from government, and committed conservationists.

In conclusion, Prince William has expressed his desire to modernize the monarchy and make it relevant for years to come.

While he is aware of the stress that comes with ruling the Commonwealth, he takes his responsibilities seriously and hopes to follow in his grandmother's footsteps by exemplifying the right characteristics and qualities of a good monarch.

As he continues to represent his family on official visits, he emphasizes the importance of young people in shaping the future and building strong relationships with other countries.

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