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Princess Anne Urges Prince Harry to Return Home for Christmas

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Royal Family News

Princess Anne Urges Prince Harry to Return Home for Christmas

Princess Anne, one of 's harshest critics, has reportedly urged her nephew to return home to the UK for Christmas.

The Princess Royal, who has dedicated her entire life to serving her mother, the Queen, and the Crown, couldn't quite comprehend why Harry would throw everything in his life away and relocate to California with his wife, former actress .

According to sources, Princess Anne watched in horror as Harry set about cutting every tie he had to the monarchy, from giving one-sided interviews to American media to announcing a memoir and alienating himself from his father, , and brother, .

However, she agrees that Harry has made some terrible mistakes in the past year, but she's trying to get the rest of the family to focus on the bigger picture, which is supporting Her Majesty.

One tabloid most recently reported that Princess Anne wrote to her nephew telling him to return home to the UK for Christmas.

Family is the most important thing to the Queen above all else, and Anne reminded Harry that this festive season is the first his grandmother will face without Prince Philip by her side, reveals a source.


To her surprise, Harry responded, and what he said nearly broke her famously steely heart.

According to the insider, Harry confided in his aunt that he has been thinking for a while that he'd like to come home, not for himself, Charles or William, but for the Queen.

Harry wants to put everything to one side, even if it's only for a short while, given this could be his grandmother's last Christmas.

He appreciated Anne's invitation and said he was grateful to know that he has an ally and a support in Anne.

Harry's note also apparently contained some remorse that Anne got dragged into the hunt to identify the mystery royal family member who allegedly questioned the skin colour of their unborn son, .

The Sussexes made the bombshell accusation in their TV sit-down with in March.

Harry learnt pretty quickly that it was a big mistake to call out a small group of people because then all of them cop it, explains the source.

He felt bad Anne got swept up in it all.

Meanwhile, Princess Anne has once again confirmed her tenure as one of the busiest royals this year with the most substantial record of royal engagements.

Despite restrictions related to COVID-19, the Princess Royal took part in 368 official engagements so far in 2021.

The other royal family members are behind Anne, with her brother Charles enrolling in 360 events.

, 232, Prince Edward, 208, The Queen, 186, , 161, Sophie Wessex, 151, and Kate, 115, follow right behind in the breakdown.

One of the reasons Anne accumulated so many engagements is because she replaced the Queen on several occasions in Windsor during investiture ceremonies.

In the past, the Princess Royal could be seen doing two or three ceremonies a year among her other duties.

However, because of the different lockdowns and the Queen's lighter schedule imposed by her doctors, a long list of honoured people with awards kept growing.

Charles and William did enrol in ceremonies on behalf of the Queen.

Still, Anne dominated the investitures as she had led 13 of them since July 2021.

At Windsor Castle, she welcomed and honoured dozens of people who received knighthoods, damhoods, OBEs, CBEs or MBEs.

Lorraine Kelly, the ITV broadcaster, said it was extra special to receive the award from Princess Anne.

She added, “I've always admired her.

She works incredibly hard.”

Ian Cole, who received an OBE, praised the Princess as most interested and knowledgeable about his work in defence.

A Palace source told The Telegraph that the Princess enjoys investitures and meeting the recipients.

Fans acclaimed Anne for her dedication.

Annie's View commented, “She does such a good job standing in for her mother.”

Usher 8899 said, “Such a hard-working lady, I should imagine she enjoyed today.”

Grim Groth added, “Great photos.

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