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Queen Elizabeth II’s Grandsons Make Statements on Her Passing

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Royal Family News

Queen Elizabeth II’s Grandsons Make Statements on Her Passing

has made a statement following the passing of his grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen.

The statement was required as both he and his brother, , are leaders of the state and responsible for leading the mourning and funeral proceedings.

While William had already made a statement, Harry felt it was necessary to do so as well.

In his statement, Harry expressed his gratitude for all of his memories with the Queen, from his earliest childhood recollections to the moment she met his wife and great-grandchildren.

Interestingly, Harry spelled “granny” differently than his brother, which could be a clue as to who really wrote the statement.

Meanwhile, King Charles III, the Queen's son and heir apparent, also made a statement, as is required of him.


The newly appointed Prince of Wales expressed his thanks to his wife, , for her loving support during this difficult time.

Notably absent from making a statement were Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, and the Queen's other grandchildren.

It is expected that those with a platform or authority would make a statement, while others may not feel the same responsibility.

However, some have criticized Harry and his wife, Meghan, for their statements and actions surrounding the Queen's passing.

One royal fan accused Harry of not playing on the team and acting against his father, while another called him the most self-centered and selfish brat they've ever witnessed.

In contrast, Princess Anne, the Queen's only daughter, released a heartfelt and personal statement expressing her gratitude for the love and respect shown during the Queen's final journeys.

She also thanked her brother, Charles, for accepting the added responsibilities of the monarch.

As the nation mourns the loss of the Queen, it is clear that her legacy will continue to be felt for generations to come.

Her family members may have different ways of expressing their grief, but they all share a sense of loss and gratitude for the time they had with her.

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