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“Second Row Harry”: Prince Harry Mocked for Seating Arrangement at Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

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Royal Family News

“Second Row Harry”: Prince Harry Mocked for Seating Arrangement at Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

and 's brief trip to the UK to celebrate II's Platinum Jubilee has sparked controversy and ridicule.

The seating arrangement of the Sussexes at St. Paul's Cathedral on June 3 has led to them being branded as “Second Row Harry” by Montecito author Robert Iringa.

Despite being sixth in line to the throne, Harry and Meghan sat in the second row instead of next to the heirs to the throne.

This seating plan reflected their status as non-working royals.

More than a week after their return to the US, Iringa wrote an opinion piece for the Santa Barbara News Press titled “The Duke and Duchess of Woke, or Woe.”

He claimed that the Platinum Jubilee celebrations showed the British firm is more popular than ever and capable of moving on from Harry and Meghan's damaging claims and allegations launched during their interview with in 2021.


Iringa gave the nickname “Second Row Harry” based on the seating arrangement at St. Paul's Cathedral, where the Duke and Duchess were booed by spectators upon arrival.

While other non-working royals arrived by bus, Meghan and Harry were driven there in a separate car.

Prince Harry's expression upon his family's arrival stateside was described as pensive by Iringa.

He wrote, “One wonders if Harry is beginning to feel like the character Tom Hanks portrayed in the 2000 movie Cast Away.

Judging by the glum expression he wore upon arrival at Santa Barbara airport, the cold shoulders he encountered at his old stomping ground may be taking a toll on his psyche.

Or perhaps he misses the pomp and circumstance he once found imprisoning.

Where's Wilson when you need him?”

One royal expert has closed the lid on and Prince Harry's travelling trunk show.

Daily Mail columnist Robert Hardman threw down the gauntlet, saying that they represent a lack of newsworthiness.

He spoke to the Palace Confidential podcast, noting the relative ostracisation of the couple upon their big return to Harry's birthplace.

“They thought the whole weekend was about them, not surprisingly.

Apparently they expected the royal family to drop everything and come to their daughter's party out in the weeds on Saturday.

When that didn't happen, they ranted to the media.

Note to Markles, the entire weekend was a planned celebration of 's 70 years on the throne.

You were guests who weren't really wanted,” said Hardman.

While the expert believes that Harry and Meghan's attendance at planned events will help normalise their return to the UK, he also concluded that in a couple of years, it won't be newsworthy if they just pop back for something.

However, it will be newsworthy if they act true to form and bully his family as they have done for two years.

The Markles' PR mishap began with their decision to fly an enormous private jet to the UK, setting up shop, and thinking the whole family would cater to their juvenile whims and wishes.

They showed that adults acting like kids and alerting everyone to it is not a class act.

In conclusion, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's seating arrangement at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee has led to the Duke being branded as “Second Row Harry.”

The couple's brief trip to the UK has also sparked ridicule and controversy, with one expert stating that they represent a lack of newsworthiness.

While their attendance at planned events may help normalise their return to the UK, it remains to be seen whether they will act true to form and bully the royal family as they have done for two years.

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