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Being Ghosted by Prince Harry and Meghan: The Honour of Being Cast Aside

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Royal Family News

Being Ghosted by Prince Harry and Meghan: The Honour of Being Cast Aside

It seems that being ghosted by and Meghan is a rite of passage, an honour even.

In the five years they've been together, they've thrown so many people aside, including entire families like the Markles and the Raglands.

Meghan loves to pretend her family doesn't exist, erasing them from her narrative.

But what did these families do to deserve such treatment?

Clearly, their working-class status was not something Meghan wanted to be associated with.

She desired the high life and had to erase all those who didn't fit her desired image.


Three years ago, Meghan's ex-diplomat uncle, Mike Markle, branded her a prima donna and claimed she had a chip on her shoulder, which he says could be part of the problem with Catherine.

Mike first helped Meghan on her way to becoming an estateswoman long before her relationship with .

He used his influence to secure her a prestigious internship as a junior press officer at the American Embassy in Argentina when she was 20 and considering a career in international relations.

Meghan has climbed socially and left her family behind, according to Mike, the elder brother of her father, Thomas.

“I think that's what happens when you're underclass and trying to rise above the reality of your situation,” he says.

At that time, Mike shed light on the alleged rivalry between Prince Harry's wife and the Princess of Wales.

“Coming from her background, she may have a chip on her shoulder,” he says of Meghan.

“It could be that that's part of the problem she's having with her sister-in-law.”

Mike wasn't invited to Meghan's second wedding when she married Prince Harry.

“She didn't invite a lot of people, so I don't feel that bad.

She didn't discriminate against me,” he says.

“It would have been nice for her to have some of her family, but I don't understand her.

I don't communicate with her because I understand they don't accept mail at the palace.

I don't know what I'd say to her if I could write to her.

It's up to her to make the first move as far as I'm concerned.”

Thomas Markle, Meghan's father, doesn't deserve to be left out to hang by his ungrateful daughter.

He gave her a fulfilled life of eating at the best restaurants and even paid for a private education.

The biggest strike in the face is that Meghan referred to her father in the past tense when she spoke to Oprah.

In her mind, her dad is dead.

Then there were the texts that Harry sent Thomas while he lay in a hospital bed.

The existence of these messages became official public knowledge during Meghan's court case against the Mail on Sunday.

Meghan's behaviour and strong character could be the reason why staff had previously branded her difficult, according to Mike.

He blames Meghan's father for her strong character.

“It could be that she's bossy towards staff because she's been spoiled by her brother,” he says.

“He doted on her a lot, more than he did with his other children.

Tom spent more time with her and helped her in school and stuff like that.

Tom has more of a rapport with her than with the rest of the kids.

That's a problem.

She's a prima donna because he treated her really well.”

It's clear that Meghan has a tendency to ghost people, including her own family members.

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