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Prince Harry Interviews Father Prince Charles on Climate Change for Radio 4’s Today Programme

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry Interviews Father Prince Charles on Climate Change for Radio 4’s Today Programme

, the Duke of Sussex, recently interviewed his father, , for Radio 4's Today programme.

During the four-minute chat, the two discussed climate change and the future of the planet.

affectionately called his father “Pa” and thanked him for allowing him to interview him for the show.

referred to his son as his “darling boy” and said it was amazing that he had been listening to him regarding climate change.

The pair started talking about the planet and the 69-year-old joked that people are finally waking up to his “dotty opinions” about the environment.

When asked by his son to pick one issue to focus on, Charles said over the years there have been a whole lot of things he has tried to focus on that he thought needed attention.


He said, “Not everyone else did, but maybe now some years later they are beginning to realise that what I was trying to say may not have been as dotty as they thought.”

The issue which has to go on being focused on, big time, is this one around the whole issue of climate change, which is now, whether we like it or not, is the biggest threat multiplier we face because what is happening now is what I was dreading, which is we are having to deal all the time with the symptoms that are springing up all round the world, and they are diverting us off down all these different channels to try and deal with ghastly conflicts and humanitarian and natural disasters, and goodness knows what else, but at the root of it all, much of it, is climate change which is causing untold horrors in different parts of the world.

Prince Harry later asked his father if he felt optimistic about the future of the world.

Prince Charles replied, “Well my dear boy if I must say so, the fact you're saying this, gives me enormous optimism.

I haven't obviously put you off wind banging on all these years, because if you think that, that is really encouraging.”

Prince Charles went on to say that he has spent years trying to ensure that his children and grandchildren, as well as everyone else's grandchildren, have a world fit to live in.

Prince Harry responded by saying that he totally understands it because of all the years of conversations they've been having and that he ends up picking his father's brains more now than ever before.

The interview was part of a series of guest-edited programmes for Radio 4's Today programme.

The Duke of Sussex used the opportunity to highlight issues that he is passionate about, including mental health and climate change.

Prince Charles has long been an advocate for the environment and has spoken out about the dangers of climate change on many occasions.

In 2007, he founded the Prince's Rainforest Project, which aims to find a solution to deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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