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Queen’s Message Replaces Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s COP26 Speech

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Royal Family News

Queen’s Message Replaces Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s COP26 Speech

The global climate summit COP26 has been making headlines for its discussions on initiatives to combat climate change.

The event saw senior members of the Royal Family, including and , in attendance.

However, it was reported that and were snubbed after their recorded speech was dropped at the last minute.

The Queen had decided to speak virtually and offer her own video message instead.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had reportedly offered a pre-recorded speech to the organisers of COP26.

However, their speech was cancelled after the Queen's decision to speak virtually.


Attendees were shown a video message from the monarch, where she praised the environmental work of and .

Notably, there was no mention of .

According to a source, Meghan and Harry allegedly offered to send a video message to offer their good wishes to those attending the summit.

However, it was still in the early stages, and it was not quite broached with Prince Charles or Prince William.

Once the Queen decided to pull out, the next stage was for her to record her own personal tribute.

This led to the cancellation of Meghan and Harry's recorded speech.

Neil Sean, a commentator, suggested that the couple's plans unraveled once the Queen was forced to cancel.

He stated that the advisors and the people behind COP26 were thankful for Meghan and Harry's offer to put together a video.

However, once the Queen decided to offer her own video, Meghan and Harry's offer was declined.

The couple has since made a statement vowing to become carbon neutral by 2030.

They have been involved in different political matters recently, which has garnered attention.

However, they were reportedly occlusive in their Montecito neighbourhood for fear of details about their private lives getting out.

It is worth noting that Meghan and Harry's frequent use of private jets has been slammed in the past.

The Daily Star contacted the couple's representatives and COP26 organisers for comment but has yet to receive a response.

In conclusion, and Prince Harry's recorded speech was cancelled at the last minute after the Queen decided to speak virtually and offer her own video message.

Attendees were shown a video message from the monarch, where she praised the environmental work of Prince William and Prince Charles.

Meghan and Harry allegedly offered to send a video message to offer their good wishes to those attending the summit.

However, this was cancelled once the Queen decided to pull out and record her own personal tribute.

The couple has since made a statement vowing to become carbon neutral by 2030.

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