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Sussex’s Fortunes Go Up in Smoke: Prince Harry’s Latest Move is the Final Straw for King Charles

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Royal Family News

Sussex’s Fortunes Go Up in Smoke: Prince Harry’s Latest Move is the Final Straw for King Charles

It has not been a great week for King Charles, and it has nothing to do with Queen limiting his time on the iPad or their limited TV options.

Behind the scenes, there have been several events that have not been good news for the world's newest monarch.

Firstly, millions of French citizens staged massive protests all across Paris, including starting fires all over the place.

They forced the government to cancel Charles' state visit, which was supposed to happen this week.

Instead of him and being at Versailles with a big banquet in their honor, they had to stay home at Clarence House and reheat some leftovers.

Then there was the news that is considering writing a tell-all book because he has too much time on his hands and needs to fill his bank account.


But perhaps the biggest stress in Charles' life right now has been his own son, , who decided to come back to the UK this week.

Harry got back to London early on Monday for the first day of the court case that he and six other people are bringing against the Daily Mail's parent company over alleged phone hacking.

Nobody expected Harry to show up because it was only a preliminary hearing, and he was there just to watch proceedings since he was not giving any evidence and could have easily watched the whole thing at home.

But no, Harry had to show up just to make a point.

He came to the High Court in a somber suit and was looking very happy to finally have a chance to put the boot into Fleet Street.

Things went from bad to worse for Charles when he discovered that his son had decided to show up in the UK and also demonstrated his refusal to not waste an opportunity to attack his own family.

In a witness statement that was entered into the court record, Harry charged that the institution was without a doubt withholding information from him for a long time.

And then he also said that he had been conditioned to accept the policy was to never complain, never explain.

Almost immediately after the news of Harry's comeback to London broke on Twitter, it was reported by the Telegraph that the King was too busy to see his son.

And that was a line that was a little difficult to believe considering that last-minute cancellation by the French.

A friend of the King has revealed that Harry's choice to drag his family into his legal fight was what sounds a lot like the last straw for his majesty.

This friend spoke to the Daily Beast's Tom Sykes and said, “Harry has torpedoed any remaining bridges with this statement.

It is just six weeks until the coronation, and the last thing Charles needs.”

It's not only Charles who doesn't want a visit from Harry.

His older brother, , fresh off a very successful trip to Poland in support of the war effort in Ukraine, was reportedly out of town for a vacation, which seems to be a polite way to say, “I want nothing to do with you.”

According to a friend of Charles, William is over it.

The friend said, “If this was about his vendetta with the mail, that would be one thing.

But Harry keeps doing everything in his power to try and embarrass the family.

How can you have a relationship with someone who is doing that?”

There was no reason whatsoever that Harry needed to bring the palace or his family into this court action.

The case can easily be made that he kind of had to take a few shots with the Royal family in his and Meghan's Netflix series and his memoir in order to keep their paymasters happy.

But this court case, absolutely not.

Realistically speaking, these big corporations have shareholders and boards that they need to keep happy.

They only paid millions to the Royals without portfolios so that they could give the dirt, the tea, whatever you want to call it.

They wanted juicy bits that may encourage audiences to clip, subscribe, and of course buy.

But this court case is a different story.

Harry could have pursued his action against the publisher without having to bring the palace into it.

After more than two years of talking about his family's various sins to the whole world, after an estimated 40 hours of media outings and a whole book, Harry is still holding on to so much anger, resentment, and bitterness against his own family.

But for a long time now, Harry has been failing his own family too.

He has been failing to protect their privacy, revealing intimate conversations and even text messages in his book Spare.

Harry was also not there to support his family during some really rough times recently.

If Meghan and Harry decide to come back to London in only six weeks for the King's coronation, is Charles going to be too busy to see his son and daughter-in-law again?

And what about William?

Is he still going to ignore Harry's request for a short little meeting?

The only sure thing in all of this is that it's going to be an interesting show to watch.

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