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Prince Charles Refused to Take Prince Harry’s Calls Due to Money Demands

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Royal Family News

Prince Charles Refused to Take Prince Harry’s Calls Due to Money Demands

recently revealed that his father, , stopped taking his calls shortly after he and moved to North America.

According to Woman's Day, the real reason why stopped answering his youngest son's calls was that he became fed up with constantly asking for money from him.

This revelation has caused quite a stir among royal watchers.

It is stunning that Harry cried poor and blamed his dad when he's a grown man with huge trust funds from the late and Queen Mother.

However, the source claims that the issue runs far deeper than squabbling over money.

Prince Charles and Prince Harry's relationship has always been rocky since the passing of .


The Duke of Sussex never came to terms with losing his mother because of how his dad treated her when she was still alive.

Markle's husband still hasn't gotten over the rumors that he might not be related to his dad because he looks more like James Hewitt.

His relationship with Charles has suffered as a result, especially with Meghan egging on the drama.

When Meghan came along, he was forced to relive the trauma.

Once the excitement of the wedding was out of the way, things between the Sussexes and the Prince of Wales began to sour.

The tabloid also noted Kelly Slater's slight dig at Prince Harry for allegedly not being biologically related to the future King of Britain.

Slater said, “I'd be mad too if I was James Hewitt's unacknowledged illegitimate kid, got essentially kidnapped and held hostage by the Royal Family, was forced to pretend that boring, square Prince Charles was my dad for all those years, then they cut off my trust fund and disapproved of my hot American wife cause it didn't fit into their ongoing breeding program.”

The current split between Princes Harry and William, threatening to tear the Royal Family apart, has its roots in the parenting styles of Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

According to British aristocrat and royal insider Lady Colin Campbell, who knew the princes as children, Diana let young Harry run riot without being reprimanded for his bad behavior.

She spoiled those children, and we are seeing the unfortunate effects of it where Harry is concerned.

William was brought up to understand that he had responsibilities, but with Harry, because he wasn't having responsibilities of any note, she brought him up with the illusion that he was equally entitled.

Thomas Mace Archer Mills, founder of the British Monarchist Society, echoes this controversial view.

He explains that it was Diana's insistence on treating her two sons equally that sowed the seeds of Harry's later rebelliousness.

“The problems that we are seeing now with Harry stems from that sort of parenting that Diana had done,” he says.

“It was very difficult for Harry because what his mother did was put him at his disadvantage ever since he was a young child, because she treated him as an equal, not just to his brother in the terms of the number one and number two son, but in terms of the crown.”

Since Prince Harry and announced earlier this week that they are going to visit the UK next month to carry out a series of charitable engagements, observers of the great soap opera of the British monarchy have been trying to make sense of what exactly the surprise move means.

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